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Katy Perry goes viral for her stunning dress with a 500-foot train; we can see it even after she leaves the room | Fashion trends


Katy Perry teased the lyrics to her new song with a unique fashion twist in Paris, leaving fans swooning. On Tuesday, the musician was clicked by the paparazzi arriving at Le Vendôme in Paris for Fashion Week. She emerged from her car, among screaming fans, wearing a red mini-dress adorned with a massive 500-foot train containing the lyrics to Woman's World, her new single. (Also read | Janhvi Kapoor Wore a Backless Floral Dress While Out in Paris; Here's How Much Her Summer Look Cost)

Katy Perry is going viral for her stunning dress with a 500-foot train.  (Instagram)
Katy Perry is going viral for her stunning dress with a 500-foot train. (Instagram)

Katy Perry wears a dress with a huge 500 foot long train

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Katy Perry wore a red velvet mini dress designed by Balenciaga to promote her upcoming comeback single, Woman's World. The viral videos show her exiting a limousine, dressed in this eye-catching ensemble. The singer greeted her fans and, as she entered the venue, she arranged the huge 150 meter long train so that people could see the lyrics displayed on it.

“She's a winner, a champion/Superhuman, Number One/She's a sister, she's a mother. Open your eyes, look around you and you'll discover/You know/It's a world of women and you’re lucky to live there,” Read some of the ornate lyrics on the mini-length outfit.

Decoding Katy Perry's dress

Katy's red velvet mini dress from Balenciaga features an asymmetrical neckline, long sleeve, sculpting silhouette, ruched design, floor-length cape attached at the shoulder, and lyric-embroidered train attached at the hem from the whole. The singer teamed her bodycon look with sheer black stockings, black pumps and silver hoop earrings.

Finally, Katy opted for black eyeliner, mascara-adorned lashes, dark brows, a nude pink lip shade, and blush on her cheeks to complete the glamorous choices. She left her long, silky tresses loose in a center part and styled the ends in soft waves.

Katy Perry for Vogue World

Katy Perry set the internet on fire with the risque black cutout dress she wore for Vogue World. The ensemble is an archival Noir Kei Ninomiya piece with geometric cutouts, peach tulle floral embellishments and a floor-length silhouette. She styled the ensemble with gothic makeup and loose, sleek tresses.




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