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Is Meghan Markle's Magic Linen dress worth its price? Here is my honest opinion

Is Meghan Markle's Magic Linen dress worth its price?  Here is my honest opinion


Meghan Markle's sense of style is a perennial favorite among Yahoo Lifestyle Canada team, with many of us having looked to the 42-year-old for fashion inspiration in the past. With summer officially in full swing, I turned my attention once again to the Duchess of Sussex, as the light breeze Magical linen dress she wore in 2020 has everything I was looking for in a summer dress. It's lightweight, flowy, and easy to dress up or down.

The best part? Until June 30, this The easy and airy dress is on sale for $115. It's received over 400 reviews, 374 of which are perfect five stars, and shoppers say they get “so many compliments” about it, which is why I decided to try it out for myself. Read on for my honest review and to see how I styled this dress for the summer heat.

Magic Laundry

I looked to Meghan Markle for inspiration when wearing the Magic Linen dress. I looked to Meghan Markle for inspiration when wearing the Magic Linen dress.

I looked to Meghan Markle for inspiration when wearing the Magic Linen dress.

For my first day wearing this lightweight linen dress, I looked to Meghan Markle's original look for inspiration. In June 2020, she paired her dress with Chanel ballerinasa large straw hat Janessa Leona pair of dark sunglasses and a shoulder bag.

It turns out I already had a collection of similar items in my closet, so I paired my dress with a straw hat, Birkenstock sandals, Le Specs Bandwagon Sunglasses (a favorite of Meghan and myself), and a Gucci shoulder bagIt was pretty much the perfect outfit for a day of errands, and it even earned compliments from my mom.

This time I went for a more casual look by pairing the Magic Linen dress with a denim jacket.This time, I opted for a more casual look by pairing the Magic Linen dress with a denim jacket.

This time, I opted for a more casual look by pairing the Magic Linen dress with a denim jacket.

The second time I wore the Magic Linen dress, I opted for a more casual look by pairing it with an oversized dress. Levi's denim jacket and (surprise, surprise) another pair of Birkenstock sandals. Adding the jacket definitely transforms the look of this outfit, making it less “European vacation ready” and more “weekend chic.”

I wore this dress with statement accessories for a dinner out.I wore this dress with statement accessories for a dinner out.

I wore this dress with trendy accessories for a dinner at a restaurant.

For my final outfit, I paired the Magic Linen dress with summery accessories perfect for a dinner out. I opted for some Szane leather pumps and a raffia clutch, along with a pair of statement earrings and a claw clip in my hair.

The flowy fit meant there was enough room for a large dinner and dessert, although I had to be careful about what I ordered to make sure I didn't accidentally stain the white linen. If you're a messy eater like me, you might want to opt for one of the other colors instead.

Having worn this dress for the past few weeks, I can see why it became an instant hit after Meghan was spotted wearing it in 2020. It's light, comfortable and perfect for almost any summer occasion, plus She has pockets!

My only complaint about this dress is that it's a bit sheer, which I suppose could be given in a shade like white. If you really want more coverage, you should make sure to wear flesh-colored underwear or opt for an extra layer like a camisole or briefs. Although I didn't have this problem, some critics of the Royal Toscana dress noted that it “fits large”. For this reason, if you prefer a more fitted look, I suggest sizing down.

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