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Consumers want ethical sourcing and labeling on synthetic fibers: report


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Diving brief:

  • Clothing made from synthetic cellulosics, also known as MMCF, must come from sustainably managed forestsaccording to 74% of European consumers surveyed in a report published last week by the Forest Certification Recognition Program.
  • The survey, commissioned from YouGov by PEFC International, found that only 13% of respondents felt brands provided them with a sufficient amount of information on in-store clothing labels regarding the sustainability of MMCFs, which include viscose and lyocell. Additionally, only a quarter of respondents said they were confident fashion brands were adequately addressing their concerns about the impact of clothing made from MMCF on the environment.
  • The survey, titled Fashion from Sustainable Forests, was designed to better understand consumers' views on sustainability in the fashion industry, and focused in particular on attitudes regarding the use of fibers derived from forests .

Dive overview:

The fashion industry's sustainability challenges have been the subject of multiple recent legislative initiatives aimed at clean up supply chains And curbing greenwashing allegations.

At the same time, organizations such as PEFC and non-profit group Canopy encourage brands to eliminate problematic materials in production, packaging and manufacturing.

We have seen some brands such as Fendi, Guess, GANT and APC demonstrate notable progress by integrating targets for sourcing only from sustainably managed forests and communicating transparently with their customers, said Julia Kozlik, head of market engagement at PEFC, in an email. This strategy helps forests maintain their crucial ecological role while supporting dependent communities.

Consumer demand may also play a role in pushing fashion brands to make these changes. In the PEFC survey, 59% of respondents said they would be willing to pay more for clothing made from materials certified by organizations such as Organic Cotton, Responsible Wool Standard or PEFC, and 43% indicated that They would be willing to pay an extra 10% or more. .

More than 60% of respondents said that having a sustainability label on clothing positively influences their purchasing decisions.

The origins of these sustainability labels are also important to consumers, according to the survey results. Independent certification labels inspire confidence in 50% of consumers surveyed, compared to 35% who say they trust brand sustainability labels.

Kozlik said that while some brands are making good progress in certifying and communicating their sustainability efforts, there is still work to be done.

We're certainly seeing interest from a broader range of brands, but we'd like to see more transparency and meaningful action happening at a much faster pace across the industry, Kozlik said.

The YouGov survey results come from a total sample of 5,329 adults surveyed in the UK, France, Italy and Spain, surveyed online between April 26 and May 3.

PEFC is an international non-profit NGO based in Geneva that supports national forest certification systems. It also provides certification to small family forest owners, according to its website. There are currently 49 approved national and regional forest certification systems around the world, and the organization claims that it is the largest forest certification system in the world.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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