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Best of Paris Fashion Week Men Spring/Summer 2025

Best of Paris Fashion Week Men Spring/Summer 2025


ASAP Rocky’s off-schedule show was undoubtedly one of the biggest moments of the week. Scanning the room was proof enough. Rihanna, The Clipse, Chitose Abe, Jonathan Anderson, and Alexandre Arnault were among the powerhouses in attendance. According to Rocky, the show was long overdue. “For how many years have I championed everybody’s brands, created new brands, and shown people how to create new trends,” Rocky told Complex before the show. “Now I wanted to express myself. I gave everybody my ghetto expression.”

He is right. Over the past decade, Rocky has been a pioneer in introducing names like Rick Owens and Raf Simons to the masses. For this show, titled American Sabotage, Rocky clearly drew some influence from those creators he has championed throughout his career. The 2001 Simons Riot Riot show comes to mind when looking at a camouflage bomber jacket adorned with pinned photographs. Repurposing NYPD sweaters or DEA caps looks like something you might see on the runway at Vetements. But rather than copying and pasting these reference points and adding an AWGE logo here or an album title there, Rocky (with the help of young designers Bede Marchand, Joshua Jamal and Coucou Bebehe) was able to recontextualize them to adapt them to your own message. The show was intended as a commentary on the turbulent political and socio-economic climate of the United States. Sometimes it was obvious, an image of Uncle Sam flipping the bird accompanied by F$CK YOU plastered on the back of a jacket or political satire literally printed on a sweater. Other times, Rocky would refer to the individuals he saw on the streets of New York, such as a homeless man collecting bottles in trash bags to help paint the picture of modern America.

The show was also a way to preview upcoming footwear from his ongoing partnership with Puma, pre-skated pairs of the Inhale OG. And don't think that means Rocky forgot about music. He used the show as a platform to debut three new tracks and officially announced his long-awaited album Do not be dumb will be released on August 30. Rocky doesn't choose one medium over another. Instead, he builds a world in which all of his creativity can live cohesively. It will be interesting to see how regularly Rocky performs these types of shows in the future. Hopefully this wasn't just an isolated case. Mike DeStefano




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