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The Row, the Olsen Twins fashion brand, opens a boutique in the Hamptons

The Row, the Olsen Twins fashion brand, opens a boutique in the Hamptons


There was a Cybertruck parked on Main Street in East Hampton, in front of the Altuzarra store. It was a Sunday afternoon in June, and traffic had come to a standstill for a moment. Even the rich aren’t immune to the pressures of a brutalist monster.

The monster truck marked the end of an avenue of monograms on the island's main luxury shopping street, with $850 raffia handbags and $15,000 decorative surfboards. You know their names: Louis Vuitton, Loewe, Lululemon.

However, three and a half kilometers from this same street, an old-fashioned charm appeared. East Hampton transformed into Amagansett, and this street of flashy shops became a public square with white-paneled cottages. There was a shoe store called Brunch, a children's clothing chain called Pink Chicken, a jewelry and gift shop called Love Adorned. A Cybertruck here would read like a declaration of war.

It's near these cottages that The Row, a brand founded in 2006 by Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen, quietly opened a store on Memorial Day weekend.

It’s in silence that the Row tends to work. Not only in his clothes, often described as quiet luxury, a term used to describe very expensive basics, but also in his communication.

The founders rarely give interviews, advertise, or promote their line. Although The Row announced its Amagansett opening on Instagram, that account is outwardly more about sharing modern art than moving product. In February, the brand caused a stir at Paris Fashion Week by asking its showgoers to refrain from capturing or sharing any content during their experience, which is, for many, the primary reason for attending a fashion show. Instead, the audience was encouraged to write down their thoughts.

Somehow this position works. In an industry overrun by influencers, Rows' silence is striking. Monasticism is chic. There is a feeling of exclusivity and taste, reinforced by the extreme prices. One of Rows' most popular items, the Margaux bag, costs between $3,490 and $6,810, depending on size and material. It's timeless and feminine, the kind of handbag that might remind Kendall Jenner of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

Rows stores also have a reputation for being intimidating at times, even among seasoned high-end shoppers.

A loyal Row customer told me she felt like a peasant in the Los Angeles store, which is home to an untouchable swimming pool. In the Manhattan store, a townhouse with a limestone spiral staircase, there's a guy who works there who all my friends are afraid of, who gives off a very “you can't sit here” vibe, said Jess Graves, editor of a business newsletter called The love listeven to the girls I know who wear the mark from head to toe.

The Amagansett store is different. It operates out of a house with 19th-century roots that was once home to Tiina the Store, the Hamptons Gap for billionaires. (Tiina stocked the Row.)

It features a porch, screen door, and beige woven rug. The fitting rooms are brightly lit behind denim patchwork curtains. (By contrast, the spacious, wood-floored dressing rooms at the Upper East Side store, where I recently tried on a $1,550 white cotton poplin tent dress that made me tragically look like a hospital patient, have dim lighting and softer dresses.)

There is no artwork in Amagansett, unlike the London store, where an oval light installation by James Turrell greets visitors at the entrance. The vintage furniture is remarkable: a black chaise longue in the shape of a character from the 1970s by Olivier Mourgue Bouloum and a white painted wooden chaise longue from the 1930s by Robert Mallet-Stevens. But the decoration, with its Asian and African influences, is not the question.

The store's appeal lies in the wide selection of jewelry, home goods, snacks and skincare from more than 20 non-Row brands and artisans. Florence shampoo. Pearl necklaces from Greece. A mother-of-pearl caviar service. A bronze lighter carved to resemble tree bark. A packet of dried mango and a jar of raw almonds. Vintage glass candlesticks that can only be purchased in sets of a dozen for $16,000.

There are racks of ready-to-wear made by The Row, of course, the selection suited to this seaside town: bike shorts ($1,050), denim shirts (also $1,050), ribbed tank tops ($670). $), sleeveless silk maxi. dresses ($1,890). Ms. Graves bought a raffia bag here earlier in the season. (It seemed very appropriate while I'm here this summer, she said.)

But The Row confirmed that the Amagansett store is its first attempt at a local store concept. That likely means a more relaxed space, filled with items that complement the brand's vision, staffed by sellers who don't scare people away but warmly help buyers find them. jelly flat shoes sold out. Not that Rows fans are easily frightened: even those who are intimidated don't stay away for long, those cream cashmere masochists.

In retrospect, the popular jelly shoes, as well as the beach towels that models wore as scarves the Rows fashion show in September, was perhaps a sign that the brand was relaxing, that brightness and humor were arriving in this austere world. (Her most recent lookbook showed a silky camisole dress layered with pants, Y2K style.)

A British customer from The Row, who visited the Amagansett store, marveled at the change in atmosphere. Where was the cold indifference? I don't think it would please the public here, she said.




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