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Apple TV+ is working on a series inspired by high fashion family feuds


As fans of The new look While we wait for news on a potential season two, another fashion-centric series is heading to Apple TV+.

A new family drama, titled The Houseis currently in preparation and should be released on stream this fall, Robb Report sister site Everyday women's clothing reported Wednesday. Created by showrunners José Caltagirone and Valentine Milville, the upcoming series is based on an original idea from executive producer Alex Berger. The 10-episode show will be set in a contemporary French workshop and will focus on two feuding families in the style of the Arnaults and Pinaults.

“High fashion meets high stakes in this behind-the-scenes look at how an iconic fashion house is plunged into scandal and reinvention by a viral video featuring star designer Vincent Ledu, played by Lambert Wilson, leaving the “His family’s iconic and legendary haute couture house Ledu is hanging by a thread,” we read in the article. press material.

In addition to Wilson, the French-language series will also star Amira Casar in the role of Perle Foster, Vincent's former muse. Things get interesting when Foster teams up with rising designer Paloma Castel (Zita Hanrot) to refresh the century-old Maison Ledu, “claiming their rightful place in both the Ledu family and the fashion world.” However, amid Vincent's downfall, Diane Rovel (Carole Bouquet), the CEO of rival luxury group Rovel, embarks on a mission of revenge to acquire Ledu “by any means necessary.”

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Lambert Wilson in The Housea new Apple TV+ series broadcast in September 2024.

Courtesy of Apple TV+

The premise evokes the real-life confrontation between LVMH CEO (and one of the richest men in the world) Bernard Arnault and Kering CEO François-Henri Pinault. French billionaires have been fighting for decades to conquer the world of luxury and more recently Hollywood.

Adding further fuel to the fire, Arnault purchased a personal stake in Richemont, another competing luxury conglomerate that owns Cartier, Bloomberg reported this week. As a reminder, LVMH already has brands such as Tiffany and Bulgari to its credit, as well as Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, TAG Heuer and Hublot, among others.

Lately, there has been speculation that Arnault is eyeing the Swiss-based company. Housewhich reached a record annual turnover of $21.7 billion in 2023. If the luxury mogul were to ultimately acquire Richemont, which is owned by South African billionaire Johann Rupert, LVMH's global dynasty would be even closer to world domination – and of course, Arnault is open to expanding his portfolio.

“We have ideas for the future, but obviously I can’t tell you,” Arnault told Bloomberg. “We don’t need to do that. But I know that several brands would fit in very well and the owners would be very happy. »

As for The Houseyou can catch all the action on AppleTV+ on September 20.




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