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Coronado's Cait Conquers wins big prize at San Diego County Fair


The social media star spent 500 hours making the dress everyone is talking about.

DEL MAR, California. A dress made from “tea towels” won awards at the San Diego County Fair.

In this Zevely area, I went to the Del Mar Fairgrounds to see the social media star who made it again.

A few weeks ago we profiled Cait conquers from her sewing studio in Coronado. Cait created a dress made from tea towels and presented it at the San Diego County Fair. The mother of three met us at the fair to show us her famous dress in person. “This is the entire sewing section of the show and it encompasses many genres that I have specifically listed under the upcycling category.”

Cait Conquers has two million followers across TikTok, YouTube and Instagram and she's asked them to send her tea towels from all over the world.

“It's my baby, it's the dress, here it is. Better or worse than you imagined Jeff?” » asked Cait.

I said, “It’s glorious.”

But would the judges at the fair think the same thing?

“When she posted about the dress, the video went super viral,” said Home Made Exhibit coordinator Elena Liu. She says the Tea Towel dress is one of her favorites. “Well, people are going crazy. I mean, isn't the fair the perfect place to showcase what she's created,” Elena said.

“It's really exciting to meet Cait, I mean it's really cool,” one fan said.

During our interview, Cait was surrounded by several fans.

“It was a labor of love,” Cait said.

She made the dress with 600 tea towels and with the two hundred she had left, she hand-made a matching jacket. “It’s so good, it’s so good,” Cait said with a big smile when I tried it.

Cait won second place in the upcycling competition, but her grand prize was the Channa Mannen Award.

“It’s for excellence in original design and it’s a special award that the fair gives,” Cait said.

“It’s nice to see people look at it and see all the different states and locations we put in there.” »

It took Cait 500 hours to complete the project and we all want to thank her for dressing the San Diego County Fair.

“I'm emotional because it's amazing to see other people see it and appreciate it,” Cait said.

She put everything she had into this dress.

“Don't make me cry Jeff, I did it, I did it, and I had it on my heart that I wanted this to be on display and for people to see it and for this to happen and for so many people to see it here at the fair, it’s a dream come true,” Cait said. “If you’re in San Diego, come check it out and take a picture with it.”

The “Tea Towel” dress will remain on display until the last day of the show, Sunday July 7. For more information on Cait Conquers, click here.




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