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OK, but the lyrics on Katy Perry's dress were totally illegible

OK, but the lyrics on Katy Perry's dress were totally illegible


Let it be said. We love Katy Perry. She's a hitmaker and a star. But we need to talk about this album launch she's doing. Okay, let's do one thing at a time. Katy Perry wore a red dress with a long train to Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week that reportedly featured the lyrics to her new single, “Woman's World.” If only we could read it. If only we didn't have to be told what it was.

Katy Perry's long train with her new song is completely unreadable. Honestly, it looks like AI-generated alphanumeric characters. It's a tough time to be a popstar. Miss Perry is a human being, and she appeared at a time when that, and a little talent, was enough. But now, in addition to a successful project, one must have a successful stunt, and in fact, not just one, but a series of them. It's crazy and almost impossible. So I say this with complete empathy with this. But yes, Katy Perry, the dress didn't cause anything for the new album, other than confusion.

Katy Perry's AI Met Gala Dress Fooled EveryoneSee the Convincing Photos
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - APRIL 27: Katy Perry performs onstage as Tiffany & Co. celebrates the reopening of New York City flagship store, The Landmark, on April 27, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Tiffany & Co.)

I will say here that I think I’ve gotten a little past the idea that “all press is good press,” because while I sure do love a sensationalist artist, I’m not even sure if that idea is true anymore. We live in an age where everything and everyone is sensationalized. Pop stars, TikTokers, and even the general sense of humor online has taken a kind of evil turn. It’s hard to get attention for your projects. Old tricks don’t work. New tricks expire on arrival. The casual fan is a diehard critic. On top of that, the viral factor is a lot like all musicians, because streaming is so cheap, touring is so expensive, and no one buys records. It’s brutal out there.

Katy Perry arrives at the Ritz Hotel in a stretch limousine during Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2024/25 as part of Paris Fashion Week on June 25, 2024 in Paris, France.

However, I think there is reason for optimism here. The stunt game just isn't sustainable, and we're all tired of pulling them and having to watch them unfold. Maybe puzzling stunts are the future. The sloppiness of it somehow made me love Katy Perry. Although not what she had planned, the long, strange train is a clear display of effort and enthusiasm. She tries things, and sometimes it doesn't work, and that's pretty cool.




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