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Dupes for Taylor Swift's Orange Crochet Mini Dress from VRG Girl

Dupes for Taylor Swift's Orange Crochet Mini Dress from VRG Girl


Despite performing a three-hour show in front of a crowd of 90,000 fans and fellow stars at Wembley Stadium, Taylor Swift still managed to have the energy for a romantic evening in London with Travis Kelce. And the vibrations (read: their adjustments) were impeccable.

In the early hours of June 24, the Eras Tour singer was spotted leaving Chiltern Firehouse, a popular celebrity venue in the Marylebone district of London, England. Hand in hand with crochet-clad Kelce, Swift wore a predominantly orange, lilac and butter yellow dress, also crocheted, which quickly went viral on social media.

The $119 Myra short crochet dress apricot, from Australian brand VRG GRL, has since sold out online (the #TaylorSwiftEffect is real), but you can enter your email or phone number to be notified when your size is back in stock .

Swifties Who Missed the Mini Dress Get Creative

Too impatient to wait? Fans experienced with a needle and thread could always crochet their own version of Swift's '70s-inspired dress.

Designer Sonia Ridsdel shared a pattern for crochet mini dress on Ravelry which you can download for free. All you need to do is find the perfect shades of orange, purple, brown and yellow yarn to match the VRG GRL item.

If you're more adept at using your credit card than a crochet needle, these seven dupes for Taylor Swifts London's evening dress might be more your bag:

A knit dress from the same designer

For a similar vibe and color palette, pick up this knit mini dress, also from VRG GRL. It may not have the same crochet look and long sleeves, but it's like a sister to the Swifts mini.

Plus the muted pastel just screams Midnights retro style for Swifties who still listen to Maroon and Sweet Nothing.

A custom made mini by Etsy

While the pattern may be free for DL, going the DIY route may not be an option for you. As simple as it may seem, making a complete cut with a needle and thread is difficult and time-consuming.

Fortunately, several Etsy sellers offer to make a custom Swifts dress. Be careful, this will probably be more expensive than most other dupes, but it will be the closest to what she actually wore.

An Amazon discovery in garish colors

This dupe may have a little busier pattern than Swift's vertical striped dress, but the color palette is close. You have the burnt orange and lilac shades (to match the TS12 Theories), with allusions to Lover pink and 1989 light blue to spice things up.

The flared sleeves also give off a 1970s vibe that fits into the Midnights era, so this dress is entirely Taylor Swift coded.

A simple version to stay cool for a Cruel Hot summer day

It may just be plain orange, but this crochet mini dress is an adorable dupe for the sunny SZN. Instead of wearing it on a date with your partner, you can pair it with your yellow bikini like the trendy Swifts swimsuit for pool and beach days.

There is also a mauve purple version for everyone who lives in a lavender haze.

A herringbone dress for a date with your lover

Swift's dress has more of a straight silhouette reminiscent of the sparkly number she wore during Anti-Hero on stage at the Eras Tour. But if you're looking for something more fitted for your summer date nights, you'll want to get this crochet dress from ASOS.

The herringbone pattern also makes it look like the top Swift wore promote it Midnights album.

A crochet dress with bell sleeves to pair with cherry lips

It's a bit of a splurge compared to most, but Revolve has a super cute bell sleeve crochet dress.

Having a bit of red in the design also means your outfit will go perfectly with Swift's current lipstick: Pat McGrath Labs LiquiLUST: Legendary Wear Matte Lipstick in Elson 4.

An ombré dress that is so Miss Americana

If all you're looking for is an orange and pink purple crochet dress because you love those two shades together, look no further. This ombré moment from Revolve is the vibe.

It may not have the same stripes and patterns, but the two tones together are very Swift-esque. In fact, it sounds like the opening scene of the Eras Tour when she sings Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince.




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