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The Bear's Best Fashion Moments (So Far)

The Bear's Best Fashion Moments (So Far)


It's time to talk about it The bearthe show that snuck into our lives, made us care about cooking dramas and dysfunctional families, and unexpectedly took our social media by storm. Chefcore started trending, and suddenly our wardrobes needed expensive white t-shirts. With Jeremy Allen White in the lead, the third season will be released on June 27 on Disney+, and we can't help but anticipate the fashion surprises it has in store for us.

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Now, let's set the scene. The bear is a serious drama that revolves around the chaotic world of a family restaurant in Chicago. You'd expect typical grease-stained aprons and practical shoes, right? Fake.

Instead, the series features a series of outfits that reflect the characters' personalities and enhance the storytelling. The first season features vintage-inspired looks for the rugged restaurant, while the second season features bolder styles as the protagonists modernize the space.

The mastermind behind these cool looks is costume designer Courtney Wheeler, whose work carefully adds to the authenticity of the series and makes a subtle but elegant statement while reflecting the resilience and hardworking nature of the characters.

Let's break down the layers and take a look at The Bear's best looks

Carmy's NN07 Gael 8267 Patchwork Wool Jacket

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Take for example our tortured chef protagonist, Carmy Berzatto. Played by none other than Jeremy Allen White, his wardrobe is a masterclass in understated cool. The NN07 Gael 8267 Patchwork Wool Jacket stole the show in Season 2 and had fans flocking to get their hands on one. The coat is an understated piece in Carmy's already “understated” style, but it also adds depth to her character, reflecting her hardworking nature with the meticulous design of the jacket. It's a mix of practicality and style.

Carmy Essential White T-Shirt

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Carmy's wardrobe wouldn't be complete without her perfectly distressed vintage Levi's and the viral white tee that every respectable wardrobe should have. Hailing from German brand Merz B. Schwanen, the basic tee has become a runway staple, highlighting the importance of investing in a high-quality, versatile piece that forms the foundation of any good fit. It's a reminder that simplicity can be powerful and that a well-chosen basic can elevate a look while standing the test of time.

Sydney workwear chic

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Take Ayo Edebiri’s Sydney Adamu, the ambitious sous chef whose style combines urban elegance with professional sophistication. His outfits reflect his journey throughout the series: tailored but comfortable, practical but never boring.

Whether it's pairing graphic tees with a button-down shirt or cardigan, her black and green puffer jacket for the colder days, or her iconic white Birkenstock Tokio's for the kitchen, Sydney always looks casual and cool. One of our favorite examples of her understated workwear is her white Carhartt overalls paired with a light blue embroidered Bode tee.

Richie wears suits now

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Richie, the big-mouthed cousin, Ebon Moss-Bachrach's character, is a rough character. At first, we see him dressed more casually, reflecting his lack of conviction and his more limited role in the restaurant. But our favorite look is the sleek black suit he starts wearing at the end of season 2, offering timeless elegance.

As Richie grows in confidence and takes on a larger role, the sleek, custom-designed suit is the perfect visual to showcase his character's growth; and to our delight, he knows it. While he's wearing Oxford shoes, pairing a nice pair of sneakers with a smart suit is a great alternative for those who aren't yet accustomed to dress shoes.

Thom Browne Sydney Chef Jacket

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The Thom Browne chef jacket from Sydney, which Carmy gave him, is another standout piece that combines his culinary expertise with high fashion. This jacket not only serves as a practical piece of workwear, but also symbolizes one's professional stature and is celebrated for one's dedication to the kitchen. With its personalized embroidered name, it's a perfect example of how workwear can be both practical and chic.

Accessories that tell a story

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Accessories in The bear are more than just finishing touches, they elevate the entire outfit and extend depth to each character. Carmy's worn baseball cap represents his connection to the past and his relentless work ethic. Sydney's bandanas add a pop of color and showcase her vibrant personality and creativity.

Lionel Boyce's Marcus always wears a green beanie, symbolizing his practical nature and bringing comfort to the demanding environment of the kitchen. The cake boss also wears some of the coolest sneakers, like the New Balance x Aime Leon Dore 550. The accessories are both functional and fashionable; even people who haven't watched the show know them.

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As we anticipate The bear season three, let's celebrate the threads that weave together this incredible tale. The show's understated chefcore looks are a testament to how storytelling and style can seamlessly intertwine, creating a lasting cultural impact. But what fashion twists await us for the coming season? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: The bear will allow us to talk about and follow trends.




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