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Lisa Rinna Goes Platinum Blonde During Paris Fashion Week: “The Biggest Deal Ever”

Lisa Rinna Goes Platinum Blonde During Paris Fashion Week: “The Biggest Deal Ever”


Lisa Rinna is platinum for the summer and for the first time ever!

The actress and reality TV star, 60, made her debut in the middle of Paris Fashion Week. After ditching her newly cut buzz cut for a dark brown bob during her first show, she later swapped for a super-light shade of bleached blonde.

After sharing a video of herself dancing around her hotel room In Paris, Day Deux Rinna arrived at the Stéphane Rolland Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2024-2025 show on Tuesday, June 25 with a deep brown chin-length bob.

The soap star who recently said Only natural diamonds that she likes to “shock people” with her ensembles looked unrecognizable in the new outfit.

She paired the dark and elegant look with a black and cream dress with a plunging V-neckline and a sparkling floral brooch at the waist.

Lisa Rinna at the Stéphane Rolland show on June 25 at Paris Fashion Week.

Pierre Suu/Getty

For the Stéphane Rolland look, she opted for a glowy base and glossy peach lips and evoked Anna Wintour by completing the look with a pair of dark sunglasses.

The next day, Wednesday June 26, Rinna was unrecognizable again and sparked a social media frenzy by debuting a slicked back, glossy blonde hairstyle at the Balenciaga Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2024-2025 show.

THE The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills one alumna paired her eye-catching hair with a head-to-toe black bodysuit that she layered under a floor-length white leopard-print coat.

She also wore pointed cat-eye eyeliner, pale pink lips and carried a black square Balenciaga clutch with gold hardware.

Talk with Perfect Magazine Talking about her new look on the show, Rinna revealed that it took her 12 hours to get the perfect blonde and she's never bleached her hair that shade before.

We dyed my hair platinum, which is the biggest deal ever, she said. Perfectbecause I've never done that in my life.

Lisa Rinna goes blonde at the Balenciaga Paris Fashion Week show on June 26.

Stéphane Cardinale – Corbis/Corbis via Getty

No one will probably be sexier than me, she said, adding: Guess what? It's for fashion. It's for Balenciaga.

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Later that same day, Rinna showed off her platinum style in a new light, swapping the slicked-back look for a sharp look at the Viktor & Rolf Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2024-2025 show.

The reality star opted for a more masculine look for the Dutch fashion house, pairing her blonde hair with an all-black tuxedo and minimal makeup.

For accessories, she went nerdy-chic with thick black glasses and a matching bow tie.




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