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Jennifer Lopez leaves Paris in chic comfort after Fashion Week

Jennifer Lopez leaves Paris in chic comfort after Fashion Week


Jennifer Lopez was recently spotted leaving her Paris hotel after attending the highly anticipated L Show during Paris Fashion Week. Known for her impeccable fashion sense, JLo did not disappoint as she headed to the airport, effortlessly mixing style and comfort.

Lopez opted for a casual yet elegant outfit as she left the hotel. She wore straight-leg pants that perfectly flattered her figure and a crisp white shirt that exuded simplicity and elegance. The choice of straight-leg pants allowed for ease of movement and a polished appearance, while the white shirt added a classic sophistication to her look.

Jennifer Lopez left the hotel in Paris after the L show during Paris Fashion Week.  As she headed to the airport, Jen chose a comfortable outfit consisting of straight-leg pants and a white shirt.
© Grosby Group
Jennifer Lopez left the hotel in Paris after the L show during Paris Fashion Week. As she headed to the airport, Jen chose a comfortable outfit consisting of straight-leg pants and a white shirt.

To complete her outfit, Jennifer accessorized with a few key pieces. She wore a pair of chic sunglasses, protecting her eyes from the Parisian sun and adding a touch of glamour. Her hair was styled in a messy bun, providing a casual yet elegant vibe that matched her casual outfit. A sleek belt cinched her waist, adding a subtle touch of structure to her casual outfit. Additionally, she carried a stylish handbag, a practical and trendy accessory for her trip.

While in Paris, the Bronx native also attended the Christian Dior Haute Couture fall/winter 2024-2025 show. The singer and actress recently took a solo vacation to Italy and looked radiant amid rumors of an ongoing divorce from her husband, Ben Affleck.

The “Love Don't Cost a Thing” singer turned heads in a beige pleated midi dress with a chic belt at the waist. She completed her ensemble with a matching cape, exuding elegance and sophistication. Lopez accessorized with a small black Dior bag, sunglasses, gold satin wedges and black leather gloves that reached past her elbows.

Jennifer Lopez attended the Christian Dior Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2024-2025 show on June 24, 2024 in Paris, France as part of Paris Fashion Week. © Marc Piasecki / Getty Images
Jennifer Lopez attended the Christian Dior Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2024-2025 show on June 24, 2024 in Paris, France as part of Paris Fashion Week.

While Lopez graced the fashion scene in France,Ben Affleck51, has been spending time with family in Los Angeles, the couple's separate activities have fueled speculation about their relationship, but neither has publicly addressed the rumors.

Ben Affleck, who has enjoyed a long and successful career in Hollywood, has made no secret of his struggles with fame. Jennifer Lopez, on the other hand, has been a fixture in the entertainment industry, juggling multiple projects, from music and film to her business ventures. In a candid and revealing interview, Ben Affleck opened up about his preference for staying out of the spotlight.




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