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This Amazon T-Shirt Dress Is Perfect For Summer

This Amazon T-Shirt Dress Is Perfect For Summer


I always loved this quote from the late Diana Vreeland, former editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazaar And Vogue: It's not about the dress you wear, it's about the life you live in that dress. I couldn't agree more with the Parisian-born fashion writer (whose name is in the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame, so she clearly knows what she's talking about). However, I think that sometimes the life we ​​lead is Also made possible by the dress you wear. For example, I'm a travel writer and I wore this ultra-comfortable yet stylish piece of clothing. Amazon t-shirt dress everywhere from a superyacht in the Adriatic to a safari in the Kalahari Desert. And, right now, it only costs $33 when you use this coupon.

While it's not exactly high fashion (we're not talking about Jennifer Lopez's iconic green Versace dress at the 2000 Grammy Awards), this comfortable summer dress is versatile, easy to store, and machine washable. , three prerequisites for most of the things on my packing list. I love that it's an affordable summer outfit: one day I'll be on the lookout for a (used) Vera Wang. But for now, I prefer to spend my disposable income on plane tickets to exotic destinations.

Merokeety Tie Waist Striped T-Shirt Dress


Made with a super-soft polyester and rayon blend, this dress is both comfortable and stretchy, mimicking the feel of the t-shirt you wear when you want to snuggle up on the couch. Still, this looks like a dress you can wear on the golf course.

In May I wore this dress to a Via Croatia superyacht trip. My traveling companions were luxury travel advisors with $3,000 Louis Vuitton trunks, while I traveled with a $250 Monos carry-on. But every time I wore this dress, I received at least one compliment. Thanks to the nautical stripes, I was channeling Coco Chanel (and no one knew I was doing it on a budget).

Travel + Leisure / Katie Jackson

But it's not just his style that I like. The Merokeety t-shirt dress is also so breathable and lightweight, making it perfect for a recent safari in the Kalahari Desert. I wore it on midday safaris without overheating. It was even quite pleasant to wear after my seven-course tasting at the Little JANa restaurant founded by Jan Hendrik van der Westhuizen, the first South African chef to receive a Michelin star.

Because I travel mostly solo, I also like that it's a pull-on piece (I hate asking strangers to zip up my zipper). The two front pockets also offer perfect comfort. They are deep enough to hold my essentials and, most importantly, my hands (I never know what to do with them in photos). The tied waist also won me over. Because I have Crohn's disease, I get bloated easily. With this dress I can simply adjust the waist so it never feels too tight or uncomfortable. It's also fun to play with bow placement to change up your style. And if you want more than one option for your next trip, you can choose from 16 colors or purchase the same dress with longer sleeves if you are looking for shoulder coverage.

Merokeety Tie Waist Striped T-Shirt Dress


Although I wish this dress was a custom creation, it obviously isn't, it's incredibly popular. More than 1,200 dresses, including the long-sleeved version, were sold last month. Together, the two looks received nearly 23,000 five-star ratings, with most people praising its versatility.

This kept me cool enough in extreme heat and humidity. It's conservative enough for family events, if needed, but can also be dressed down for date nights. wrote a traveler. [It] packed well and wasn't a crumpled mess, mentioned another person who wore theirs over a swimsuit for excursions and day trips. One traveler thought it was perfect for a work trip that required resort attire, I write: I loved this dress so much that I came back and ordered a second color.

Merokeety Tie Waist Striped T-Shirt Dress


Many people have also mentioned receiving tons of compliments while wearing this dress. I recently wore it on a trip with my fashionista friend, fellow travel writer. Laura Studarus. Not only did she shower me with flattering comments, but she also asked where I bought it, assuming it was fresh out of the store like J.Crew, Nordstrom or Banana Republic instead of Amazon.

Because this dress is so travel-friendly, I can truly live my best life wearing it. It's my ticket to looking cute and feeling comfortable on the road, on a cruise, or even on safari. And of course, I'm taking it with me when I go to Paris next month for the Olympics. No matter what type of trip you're taking, save room in your suitcase for this versatile piece.

Want even more options? Below are some other highly rated t-shirt dresses on Amazon.

More t-shirt dresses on Amazon:

Zilcremo women's denim shirt dress


Molerani Women's Casual Summer T-Shirt


Btfbm round neck t-shirt dress


Anrabess Short Sleeve Loose T-Shirt Maxi Dress


Lillusory Ruched Tie-Waist Bodycon T-Shirt Dress


At the time of publication, pricing started at $33.

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