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Everlane Summer Sale: 18 Best Deals 2024

Everlane Summer Sale: 18 Best Deals 2024


Photo-Illustration: The strategist; Photos: Retailers

Fourth of July deals are already brewing and the Everlanes Summer Sale event is officially here with some of the biggest discounts we've ever seen from the label. By Monday July 8 hundreds warm weather styles are up to 70% off. As one of Strategists' resident experts on basics, I've put together a list of the best pieces, from wedding guest-friendly dresses to flattering jeans and sleek leather sandals. When shopping, please be aware that several items below are final sales, so add them to cart carefully.

Everlane linen shirt dress

Starting off strong, I spotted this classic linen shirt dress for 70% off.

Everlane The Supima Fitness Tank

Our editor, Kelsie Schrader, calls this crew-neck tank her favorite office shirt right now. She has it in black, but you can snag it in this gray shade.

Everlane - The Supima Form Spaghetti Strap Cami

And if you prefer spaghetti straps, I found another tank top made from the same lightweight Supima cotton.

Everlane Ribbed wrap top

Or here's a dressier top with a charming tie closure.

Everlane The 90s Curvy Cheeky Jean

When the weather finally starts to cool down, you'll be glad you got these jeans on sale for just $33.

Everlane The Way-High Jean

Everlanes Way-High jeans are, you guessed it, ultra high waisted. And since they're 98% cotton and 2% spandex, they're just stretchy enough.

Everlane The easy short

As the name suggests, these are easy-to-throw shorts for summer days on the go.

Everlane Pleated wide-leg chinos

If you're looking for office-appropriate pants, I found a modern twist on classic chinos with wide legs, front pleats, and a removable D-ring belt.

Everlane The Linen Halter Dress

I love backless necklines, and with the added keyhole detail, I'm sold on this linen dress.

Everlane x Marques Almeida Satin Tie-Dye Dress

We wrote about Everlanes' first-ever collaboration with the London Fashion Week festivalAlmeida Brands in a previous edition of Dont Dillydally. Each piece in the collection, including this flowing piece, is made from archival fabrics.

Everlane The Day Twist Sandal

Our fashion editor says there are plenty of sandals on sale right now, and these 100% leather slides are either way less than $100.

Everlane The Luxe Italian Leather Shoulder Bag

A small leather tote bag that you can take on vacation.

Everlane The Premium-Weight Relaxed Crew

There are also plenty of men's styles on sale, including this crew neck tee available in four other discounted colors.

Everlane Linen Short Sleeve Shirt

If he's looking for other summer basics, I'd go for this lightweight two-button popover. In 100 percent linen, no less.

The Everlane sweat-wicking buttoned polo shirt

This button-down polo shirt is made with the brand's cooling polyester fabric, designed to wick away moisture (meaning no sweat zones).

Everlane The ReNew nylon short

Pull-on nylon shorts that aren't Baggies.

Everlane slim fit jeans in organic cotton

The big pants trend isn't for everyone, and I still think there's nothing wrong with wearing a pair of slim, easy-to-wear jeans.

Everlane The ReNew Transit Messenger

This cute work bag features an adjustable padded shoulder strap and can hold a laptop up to 13 inches.

The strategistis designed to surface helpful, expert recommendations on what to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape. Each product is independently selected by our team of editors, which you can learn more abouthere. We update links when possible, but note that deals may expire and all prices are subject to change.




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