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Emerging Designer of the Year at Hamptons Fashion Weeks • James Lane Post • Hamptons Culture & Lifestyle Magazine

Emerging Designer of the Year at Hamptons Fashion Weeks • James Lane Post • Hamptons Culture & Lifestyle Magazine


Snow Xue Gao

Snow Xue Gao is a luxury women's clothing brand from New York, founded by Asian American fashion designer Snow Xue Gao in 2017. The designer will be honored with the Emerging Designer of the Year Award at Hamptons Fashion Week.

Tell us about your journey and inspiration that led you to become a fashion designer.

My journey into fashion began with a deep fascination with art and culture. Growing up, I was always captivated by the rich mosaic of Eastern and Western artistic traditions. This duality in my cultural context has deeply influenced my outlook on fashion. My academic career took me to Parsons The New School of Design, where I earned a Masters in Fashion Design and Society. It was at Parsons that I honed my skills and developed my signature aesthetic, characterized by asymmetrical draping and fitted lines. My designs strive to balance the delicate line between feminine and masculine, and they often draw inspiration from historical art movements and traditional costume cultures. The idea of ​​duality has always been at the heart of my work, reflecting my own experiences and the cultural collisions that shape our modern world.

You are a member of the CFDA and own a streetwear, ready-to-wear collection. Tell us about your collection and what inspired you.

My collection combines avant-garde and accessibility, inspired by urban energy and traditional tailoring. As a member of the CFDA, I create pieces with bold, asymmetrical cuts and intricate draping, reflecting the interplay of different cultural and historical references. Each garment is a dialogue between past and present, tradition and modernity.

You are being honored as the Emerging Designer of the Year for Hamptons Fashion Week. What does it feel like to present your collection on the catwalk and behighlighted for your career?

Being honored as Emerging Designer of the Year at Hamptons Fashion Week is a huge milestone. Even after attending New York Fashion Week for over ten seasons, this recognition is incredibly special. It’s a testament to the hard work of my team and the evolution of our brand. This honor motivates me to continue to innovate and explore new dimensions of design.

What's next for you andyour brand?

The future holds exciting possibilities for Snow Xue Gao. We aim to expand our presence nationally and internationally, explore new markets and innovate within our collections. Sustainability and ethical fashion are key priorities, and we plan to expand into accessories and eventually menswear.

What will be your inspiration for Hamptons Fashion Week 2024?

For Hamptons Fashion Week 2024, my inspiration will be the elegance and natural beauty of the Hamptons. The collection will reflect the serene coastal environment with flowing, organic lines and a structured fit. It will continue to explore the fusion of Eastern and Western influences that define Snow Xue Gao.

For tickets to Hamptons Fashion Week, beginning July 26, visit




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