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Tendance Plume Couture Fashion Week Men 2024

Tendance Plume Couture Fashion Week Men 2024


Paris is burning. Temperatures are rising, and Men's Fashion Week and Haute Couture Week are bringing the heat with their seasonal quirks. Fashion is no stranger to embellishment, especially couture known for its handwork and embroidery, but this month I couldn't help but notice designers' fixation on looks to feathers, elevating the humble feather of his usual boas to inventive new heights that double as armor.

The requisite feathered couture looks were present, with Ashi Studio and Stéphane Rolland showing off skirts adorned with frilly ostrich feathers and Elie Saab sending a floor-length feathered cape for Bianca Jaggers Studio 54's climax. couture show designed by their fashion design studio, had a heavy feather cape, but theirs was a little shorter and overtly feminine, more suited to a French baroness. Apart from the expected plumage, things have become awesome and for the better.

Giambattista Valli wore a fully feathered neon yellow coat on a model whose skin was painted with purple alien makeup, giving the look a 22nd century feel. Schiaparelli's breathtaking show opened with a silver feather cape that wasn't actually feathers, but a little 3D chrome trompe l'oeil embroidery. Not only was it breathtakingly beautiful, but it was also the strongest armor presented on the runway all week.

Armor across the line grew in esoteric ways. Lampshade hats designed by Philip Treacy of Balenciaga Coutures were covered in black feathers, as were a few of the strange child-like butterfly-shaped eye masks. At the Loewe men's spring/summer 2025 show, creative director Jonathan Anderson sent models out with barely a piece of jewelry. The only adornment of the look were headbands with metallic feathers that shielded the face, giving you the newest way to avoid your ex on the street. Fashionable feathers represent lightness and camp, but in a world where our faces are scanned on every corner and used as identification to unlock our phones, pieces like those featured at Loewe and Balenciaga offer protection and anonymity while doubling down. drama.




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