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Ros turns up the heat on cocktail attire in a lace micro-mini dress

Ros turns up the heat on cocktail attire in a lace micro-mini dress


Ros just put the little one in a little black dress. At an event in Paris today, the Blackpink megastar offered her take on cocktail attire by donning a black micro mini number.

The singer attended a party honoring the ANDAM Fashion Awards in a strapless look by Saint Laurent designer Anthony Vaccarello. Her dress featured a fitted bodice that flowed into an asymmetrical mini skirt underneath. A hint of black lingerie lace added dimension to the fairly simple cocktail piece, as did the draped detail across the front. Ros complimented her leggy evening with square-rimmed glasses, black heeled sandals and sculptural silver jewelry.

Ros, a Saint Laurent ambassador since 2020, also posed for photos with Vaccarello at the event that crowned designer Christopher Esber the grand prize. The brand 3. Paradis won the special jury prize while the accessories brand Maeden was awarded the Pierre Berg prize.

Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Before the evening, Vaccarello personally selected Ros to serve on a guest jury tasked with judging the awards finalists. Ros joined Carla Bruni, Alek Wek, Charlotte Gainsbourg and Anja Rubik on the panel.

To deliberate among her fellow judges, Ros donned another full Saint Laurent look. This one, from the brand’s fall 2024 collection, featured a boxy, ’80s-inspired suit jacket and matching suit pants. Ross’s presence on the ANDAM panel marked only the second time a K-pop star has joined the jury. The first? In 2021, when Lisa, a member of Ross’s group Blackpink, put her to work.

It makes perfect sense that Vaccarello chose Ros to be part of the ANDAM jury. When the singer isn't wearing Vaccarello designs, she can usually be found championing an emerging designer. Maybe she'll try some Christopher Esber soon?




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