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Selena Gomez is so LA in this lightweight button-down dress

Selena Gomez is so LA in this lightweight button-down dress


Selena Gomez looked like a Hollywood star as she stepped out in Los Angeles on Wednesday, wearing the most elegant little black summer dress.

The midi dress from Versace's fall 2024 ready-to-wear collection features sheer, floaty fabric along the neckline and long sleeves, and a pointed white collar accented by an embellished white button that gives the look a Gomez looks prepared.

The rest of the dress was held together by a line of large gold buttons, which ran down the middle, from the actress and singer's collarbone to her thighs.

los angeles, ca june 26 selena gomez is seen on june 26, 2024 in los angeles, california photo by pgbauer griffingc images

PG/Bauer-Griffin//Getty Images

While the top of the piece is completely sheer, the rest of the midi length is opaque black and at the bust, a sweetheart neckline creates the illusion of a strapless dress layered over a sheer blouse.

Gomez wore the dress with pointy black heels adorned with a small bow and gold accent on the front, along with diamond earrings and diamond rings.

los angeles, ca june 26 selena gomez is seen on june 26, 2024 in los angeles, california hollywood photo for youstar maxgc images

Hollywood for you/Star Max//Getty Images

The actor dressed up for an appearance in Jimmy Kimmel Live! to discuss his popular show on Hulu Only murders in the buildingwhose fourth season comes out in August.

In the comedy-mystery series, Gomez plays Mabel, a young woman who befriends her two older male neighbors (Steve Martin and Martin Short), then starts a DIY podcast with them, solving murders that take place in their building and of which, curiously, there were many.

Guest stars on the show included Meryl Streep, Cara Delevingne, Jane Lynch, Ashley Park, Paul Rudd, Jesse Williams and Matthew Broderick who hilariously played himself.

Portrait of Rosa Sanchez

Rosa Sanchez is the news editor at Harper's Bazaar, covering entertainment, fashion, and culture. Previously, she was a senior editor at ABC News and, before that, the celebrity news editor at American Media. She has also written for Rolling Stone, Teen Vogue, Forbes, and The Hollywood Reporter, among others.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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