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Sabrina Carpenters' Archival Michael Kors Mini Dress Was Worn by Madonna 33 Years Ago

Sabrina Carpenters' Archival Michael Kors Mini Dress Was Worn by Madonna 33 Years Ago


Sabrina Carpenter is well on her way to global domination. Not only is she dominating the charts (Please, Please, Please hit No. 1 on the Billboard Top 100 this week), but the 25-year-old is also making a name for herself sartorially. Over the past two weeks, she's sat front row at the Louis Vuitton and Loewes Men's Spring/Summer 2025 shows in head-to-toe designer, posed in Prada for a Vanity Fair Photo shootand she wore personalized Jacquemus on the Vogue World parade. For her latest style change, Carpenter dazzled in an archival Michael Kors rhinestone minidress, continuing her Internet breakthrough streak. And you'll never guess which exact fashion muse wore her dress 33 years ago. Hint: she is also a pop icon or rather, the queen of pop.

This week, Carpenter headed to the famous Maxims in Paris for a high-profile after-party, wearing the aforementioned bodycon mini dress covered in hand-embroidered crystals. Even though the part looked like new, it actually came from the Michael Kors Resort 1990 collection show and launched by British model Gail Elliott 33 years ago. The same year, the striking design made headlines on the cover of the magazine Glamor Magazines Woman of the Year 1990, where it was worn by none other than Madonna. That's right, Carpenter paired with Madonna in a dress older than her. Iconic, right?

While Madonna's previous accents included diamond and pearl earrings as well as a matching brooch pinned to her bodice, Carpenter accessorized with a diamond pendant necklace and matching oversized ring, both from Bulgari. The bling didn't stop there for the Gen Z singer. A sparkling clutch from Gedebe and sky-high crystal-embellished sandals courtesy of Le Silla completed his OOTN.

Old Hollywood vibes seem to be the name of the game lately for Carpenter, like his previously mentioned Jacquemus look Vogue World followed a similar theme. The red and white striped swimsuit and maxi skirt gave off a '50s It girl vibe, especially when paired with the ruby ​​Atelier Les Doubles Mules and coordinating scarf, a styling trick also adopted by Jennifer Lawrence, Billie Eilish, Beyoncé and Dua Lipa.

Marc Piasecki/Getty Images Entertainment

These appear to be just the first steps in Carpenter's takeover of fashion, so keep an eye out as she works her way toward style icon status.




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