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Christopher Esber wins the Andam Fashion Grand Prix

Christopher Esber wins the Andam Fashion Grand Prix


This article was first published on Vogue Fashion Show.

Couture is finished and the jury of the 35th anniversary edition of the Andam Prize has spoken.

On Thursday night, Christopher Esber, who founded his eponymous brand in 2010 and has recently expanded into swimwear and jewelry, won the Grand Prix Andam de la Mode, a €300,000 prize that comes with years of mentorship and a Swarovski trophy designed by Anthony Vaccarello, the creative director of Yves Saint Laurent, chairman of the 2024 Andam Prize jury and winner of the top prize in 2011.

Image may contain accessories Sunglasses Face Head Person Photography Portrait Glasses Adult and Eyeglasses

3. Paradise

Photo: Courtesy of 3. Paradis

The Special Jury Prize went to 3. Paradis, founded by Emeric Tchatchoua, who recently moved his studio from Montreal to Paris. His label is based on notions of gratitude, including the loss of his brother to street violence: its symbol is the dove. The brand was founded in 2013 and was shortlisted for the LVMH Prize in 2018.

The Pierre Berg Prize went to Pices Uniques and the Accessories prize to Maeden. Each of these prizes has a grant of 100,000 euros, as does the Innovation Prize, awarded to founder Pauline Weinmann of Alternative Innovation.

Unique Pieces.

Photo: Courtesy of Pices Unique

Image may contain accessories Handbag Furniture Chair cushion Home decor Handbag and armchair


Photo: Casper Matthijs van der Linden/Courtesy of Maeden

For each of these years 12 finaliststhe season is already a big win: all will receive support and benefits from various houses and institutions for their upcoming collections. Among them: privileged access to animal carcasses and other materials from Balenciaga and Longchamp, digital support from Google, private visits to the Yves Saint Laurent Muse and the Swarovski showroom, hands-on mentoring and workshops offered by Mytheresa (on communication), OTB (on sustainability), and Demain (merchandising); WSN and Première Classe will support the winners' upcoming PFW event. Also included is an open house at the IFM Accelerator program and financial advice from IFCIC, a credit institution specializing in the cultural and creative sectors.

A selection of looks from previous winners is currently on display on the second floor of the Galeries Lafayette flagship in Paris. On September 30, the MAD Museum will open an exhibition featuring looks from each of the 35 previous winners.

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