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Melissa McCarthy Shows Off Her Incredible Weight Loss in a Black Dress That Cinched the Waist

Melissa McCarthy Shows Off Her Incredible Weight Loss in a Black Dress That Cinched the Waist


Melissa McCarthy dazzled Hollywood on Thursday, showcasing her stunning figure in a glamorous knee-length black dress.

The 5'2″ star was spotted heading to the El Capitan Entertainment Center to pre-tape her 15th appearance on the popular talk show, Jimmy Kimmel Live! The 53-year-old actress and producer, known for her role in the hit musical Suffs, looked radiant and confident as she arrived.

Rumor has been circulating that Melissa could be the latest celebrity to try Ozempic.

Even Barbra Streisand has commented on Melissa's impressive transformation. While flattered by the attention, Melissa has not directly addressed the rumors.

Melissa McCarthy turns heads on a walk in New York

She has previously spoken about her weight loss journey, having lost a significant amount of weight in 2016.

Melissa revealed that she lost 68 pounds after going on an all-liquid diet for four months while starring on Gilmore Girls. Looking back on the experience, she told People in 2011, “I would never do that again. I felt starving and crazy half the time.”

Melissa McCarthy arrives at © Hollywood To You/Star Max
Melissa McCarthy arrives at “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” »

Melissa's final look featured a black dress with rosette detailing on the bust and sleeves, paired with patent leather slingbacks.

She added a touch of her quirky side with a $498 Kate Spade “Slice 3D Pizza Box” handbag. Her Brigitte Bardot-inspired bouffant hairdo, courtesy of hairstylist Mark Townsend, and flawless makeup by Afton Williams completed her stunning ensemble.

Melissa looked amazing in a waist-cinching black dress© Hollywood to you/Star Max
Melissa looked amazing in a black waist-cinching dress

While Jimmy Kimmel was on summer vacation, guest host Martin Short took over the reins of the show. He delighted the audience by transforming into his scandalous Hollywood reporter character, Jiminy Glick, for the entire episode.

Melissa was ready for a wild adventure, engaging in a hilarious back-and-forth with the big, suited comedian. She pretended to have had a one-night stand with Jiminy years earlier, recalling, “I just thought you needed some clean towels.”

Melissa with guest Martin Short© Instagram
Melissa with guest host Martin Short

Jiminy, always provocative, did not hesitate. He hilariously fondled Melissa twice during the segment and made several cheeky attempts to grab her breasts and kiss her. Melissa, always a comedic genius, joked: “How come you haven't been sued?” I can also feel the trial. »

The interview was a riot, with Jiminy accusing Melissa of various strange things, including having her love child Trenton, maintaining a no-tipping policy, and being a flat earther. Melissa took it all in stride and jokingly responded, “I couldn't feel it, so I'm not sure. I thought maybe it was reversed, but I couldn't get a visual.”

Jiminy also asked about Melissa's mysterious role in the fourth season of Hulu's hit series, Only Murders in the Building.

Melissa hinted at some behind-the-scenes drama by saying, “Almost everyone was great,” while staring pointedly at Martin Short.

Melissa and Martin having fun on the couch© Instagram
Melissa and Martin have fun on the couch

The new season is set to revolve around the murder of Charles-Haden Savage's stunt double Sazz Pataki, played by Jane Lynch, and the Hollywood film adaptation of their hit podcast.

The star-studded cast for the fourth season includes Selena Gomez, Meryl Streep, Eugene Levy, Eva Longoria, Zach Galifianakis, Molly Shannon, Kumail Nanjiani, Richard Kind, Michael Cyril Creighton and Da'Vine Joy Randolph. It promises to be another exciting installment of the critically acclaimed series.

On a personal note, Melissa and her husband of 18 years, Ben Falcone, co-founded On the Day Productions in 2013.

The talented duo, who met during their time at The Groundlings in Illinois, are the proud parents of two daughters, Vivian, 17, and Georgette, 14.

Their strong partnership, both personal and professional, continues to thrive, making them one of Hollywood's most beloved couples.

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