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Funky Fashion Show Raises Over $32,000 for PACE | News, Sports, Jobs

Funky Fashion Show Raises Over $32,000 for PACE | News, Sports, Jobs


Soma won the Runway Ready competition with a dress made from sample materials and textures they had used for testing.

The Funky Fashion Show raised over $32,000 while showcasing unique recycled materials for the dresses worn by a model.

Melanie Musick, community engagement coordinator for Lee's Pace Center for Girls, said the June 25 Funky Fashion Show was an incredibly fun time.

“It was just fun. That's exactly what it was. To see how creative some people can be. It was definitely a team effort. she says. “We had a planning committee, companies that were committed to creating the dresses. We had the models, businesses and individuals who donated to the silent and live auction and raffle. »

Three prizes were awarded, two determined by the judges and one by the participants.

Musick said the funkiest fashion went to Cultural Park Theater, which created a dress made up of book passages, with the bodies making up the spine of the book. The look was completed with a book as a hat.

Funkiest Fashion went to Cultural Park Theatre, who created a dress made of book passages. The look was completed with a book as a hat. PROVIDED

Soma won the Runway Ready competition with a dress made from sample materials and textures they had used for testing.

The Cape Coral Animal Shelter won the People's Choice Award for its dress creation, made from dog and cat food bags.

Cape Coral Animal Shelter Executive Director Liz McCauley said although they had attended the event in the past, this was their first year.

“We think it's a great cause, Pace for Girls,” she says. “We have some creative people here and we thought we would try to get in on that.”

Between staff and volunteers, they collected bags of cat and dog food, which were cut and folded before being all stuck together.

The Cape Coral Animal Shelter won the People's Choice Award for its dress creation, made from dog and cat food bags.

“We had to clean them all first” McCauley said. “At one point we were doing it in my office. Roseanne, a shelter dog who lives in my office, was hungry just looking at him.

The event was so much fun, she said.

“Melanie did a great job as a model. She looked really great. She had her hair and makeup done for the occasion. Everyone was really excited. There were a lot of us cheering her on.” said McCauley. “We were happy to represent the shelter and help one of our community organizations, like Pace, a great cause.”

Musick said for the first time, the Pace girls created a dress that wasn't part of the judging. She said the dress featured their point sheets, which they receive for attendance, class participation and homework.

“They took the point sheets and cut out Pace's hearts from them,” Musick said.

Lee Girls' Pace Center in Fort Myers “focuses on the gender-specific needs of at-risk girls in the Lee County area. »

“The Pace Center for Girls provides a safe and supportive environment for girls to build healthy relationships, plan for their futures and overcome trauma,” its website says.

Services provided include outreach, Girls Leadership Council, goal setting and ongoing process monitoring, academic education, counseling and mental health services, service learning, career preparation and more.

Donations are welcome.

More information can be found at




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