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I took it for nine months

I took it for nine months


I googled how to grow my hair several times. And if you've ever accidentally gotten an extreme haircut, you probably have too. (Maybe that's what brought you to this article.) See, my hair is growing Really slowly. That's why I decided to try Viviscal for hair growth and write this review. I wanted to help people who were going through a similar experience.

About a year ago, I noticed that my hair wasn't growing as consistently as it did when I was younger. It was always thinner, but it also stayed on the shorter side. It didn't seem to last much longer. For a while I didn't even bother to cut it. Feeling a little defeated, I finally decided to try Viviscal hair growth pills for nine months to see what would happen.

Read on to find out the results of my experiment.

How Hair Growth Pills Work

Just like the hair, skin, and nail pills you've probably tried before, Viviscal supplements contain biotin. But other ingredients are also added, as mentioned above, like vitamin C, apple extract, keratin and a marine complex called AminoMar (there are more in the Viviscal professional line than in the Viviscal version Extra Strength). These ingredients help strengthen hair and promote hair growth.

At first glance, the hair growth pills seemed like the kind of product a Kardashian would promote on Instagram. The bottle promised to “nourish” my hair follicles and “promote growth from the inside out.” I wasn’t convinced, but I knew I’d be back in the salon in six months for another trim (because that kind of maintenance is also crucial for healthy hair growth), and if the pills worked, I could have longer, thicker hair by then.

How much does Viviscal cost?

A box of Viviscal Professional Supplements costs $60 at the salon for a monthly supply of pills to be taken twice a day, and my stylist advised me that it would take at least three months to see results. I have since found the pills on Amazon for less (around $30 for a month's supply), however, they are not the strength of professionals. The company explains that the professional version costs more because it contains a higher dose of the proprietary marine complex AminoMarC, as well as additional ingredients including apple extract, L-cysteine ​​and L-methionine. This means you may see results faster.

The results

I started noticing a difference about two and a half months after taking my hair growth pills twice a day. When I put my hair in a ponytail, it seemed thicker. I also noticed that they looked prettier and more vibrant after my usual morning shower and styling. So I persisted and continued to buy more supplements when I had more.

After nine months of taking the supplement, I noticed a change, but these pills don't work miracles. I noticed the biggest difference in length in the back. I guess it's because I favor the front part of my hair when straightening, so my hair that frames my face can handle more heat. Viviscal has not solved this problem.

But after months of my hair stopping just above my chest, no matter what, it started to go lower down my back. A few extra centimeters are undeniable. I've also been checking in regularly, which definitely helps.

The last point to remember

The biggest lesson I've learned is that consistency is key. If I forget to take a new pack and miss a few days of pills, I notice pretty quickly that my hair is less thick and less willing to cooperate when I style it. When I'm extremely faithful to the pills and focus on maintaining the twice-daily regimen, my hair rewards me with some growth and a fuller feel and appearance.

So, did these supplements give me the mermaid and Rapunzel hair of my dreams? No. Did they make a difference instantly? Also no. But if you're willing to make a big commitment for a result that may only be noticeable to you, then go for it. Like I thought when I first swiped my credit card to buy a box: I'll get another haircut in six months anyway; it would be cool if there was more hair to cut. And, for me at least, there was.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Viviscal safe?

    Yes. Viviscal's documentation states that the product has been clinically tested for 25 years. Note that the majority of his trials focus on older men who are bald or women who are experiencing hair loss and looking to increase their hair count. However, the brand warns that their pill “is not suitable for people with allergies to fish and shellfish”.

  • Is Viviscal suitable for all hair types?

    Yes. According to Viviscal, hair growth pills work on all hair types.

  • What happens when you stop taking Viviscal?

    As we learned in our experience, your hair stops growing as thick as it was when taking Viviscal. We have not noticed any other side effects and the brand does not report any either.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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