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Amazon's Perfect Lace Wedding Dress Is $60

Amazon's Perfect Lace Wedding Dress Is $60


Is this a wedding invitation, a trip, or a gift for two? If you’re like me, you’re crossing your fingers for a wedding that also allows you to travel somewhere exciting. Last summer, I was asked to be a bridesmaid at a friend’s wedding in Bali. I’m originally from Montana. The bride was from Norway. The groom was from Australia. And my dress? It was from Amazon.

That said, my Merokeety lace maxi dress looks like a custom creation you would find in a bougie bridal boutique in Soho. But luckily, it doesn't cost a small fortune. At just $60, that means you'll have more to spend on a plane ticket, gas, lodging, and other travel-related expenses. Whether the destination is Bali or Yosemite (because you can definitely get married in a national park!), here's why this stunning maxi wedding guest dress should be the piece you pack.

Merokeety Lace Long Dress


While most travel-friendly dresses are made of cotton or polyester, the Merokeety Lace Maxi Dress is made of nylon, which is softer and more durable, and rayon, which is more wrinkle-resistant. The result is a stylish and expensive piece that holds up well to travel. That said, because this dress is made of lace and has sheer sleeves, it's also lightweight and breathable. In fact, I look just as cool in this dress as I do in my beloved dress Azazie Aliawhich is made from lightweight chiffon and features spaghetti straps and a high slit.

Travel & Leisure / Katie Jackson

Additionally, the Merokeety dress features a gorgeous, unique scalloped hem that really sets it apart. I also love the flattering v-neck and waistline, both of which feature a sheer cutout pattern. (Pro tip: wear a nude bra and panties underneath to prevent patterns or dark colors from showing through!) Since this dress has a built-in lining, you don't need to pack a slip. It also easily zips up in the back, which is a feature I appreciate for events where I don't have a plus. Currently, the Merokeety Lace Maxi Dress is available in 18 colors; I opted for mint because it paired well with my new Naot summer wedges. That said, flats will also work well with this dress.

Merokeety Lace Long Dress


Like the Merokeety Striped Casual Dress I've worn all over the world, this one is also a bestseller on Amazon. It has over 3,100 five-star ratings, with tons of reviews from people of all shapes, sizes (including maternity), and ages. A 70 year old buyer they even wore it as a wedding dress! Another person carried it at their sisters' wedding in the mountains of Tennessee: it was perfect. Lightweight and very breathable. Didn't crease during travel and washed well.

Other buyers praised its versatility. One person loved it so much they got it in three different colors: perfect for attending a wedding, date night, Easter brunch, women's event, or literally any occasion where you need to look pretty.

Merokeety lace maxi dress


This dress is not only suitable for weddings. For example, I am taking it with me on writing trips to Porto in July, where I will wear it to Yeatmans Restaurant, two Michelin starsand to Amsterdam in August for a luxury river cruise on the Rhine. You can also dress it up a bit for a fun night out on the town. Just pair it with some Old School Converse Chuck Taylor (a trick I learned from fellow travel writer Stacey Leasca), and it's ready for brunch or a day out with friends.

Travel + Leisure / Katie Jackson

One thing to keep in mind before buying this dress is that you should be prepared to receive a lot of compliments: every time I wear it, I get rave reviews from other people. The best part? No one has to know that it only cost me $60!

If you're on a similar budget but want to shop around before saying yes to the dress, below are some other best-sellers on Amazon deemed ideal for destination weddings.

Shop more wedding-friendly compact dresses on Amazon:

Prettygarden Women's Bohemian Floral Wrap Dress


Btfbm Floral V-Neck Ruffle Summer Dress


Grace Karin Sleeveless A-Line Wrap Dress for Bridesmaid and Cocktail Party


Homeyee A-Line Embroidered Summer Wedding Guest Dress


Prettygarden Sleeveless Halter Neck Floral Dress with Belt


At the time of publication, pricing started at $60.

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