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55 Best REI Hiking Deals for July 4, 2024

55 Best REI Hiking Deals for July 4, 2024


As an outdoor enthusiast and lifelong hiker, exploring a destination on the trail is one of my favorite things to do. Being out in nature among flora and fauna soothes my senses and makes me feel more connected to a place and its culture. Over the past twenty years, I've been fortunate to travel the world hiking and have identified several must-haves for comfortably spending time in nature, especially as the weather gets warmer. Luckily for us, REI July 4th Sale Now is the perfect time to buy the best gear to get out and adventure with friends and family, or even solo.

From trail-ready clothing and hiking boots to backpacks and accessories, here’s a list of my 55 must-have discounts for all your hiking needs. You can find deals like 50% off the REI Co-opWomen's Trailmade Rain Jacket61 percent off Trekmates Cairngorm GTX Gaitersand 55 percent off Komperdell Cross Stick hiking polesIt's also a great time to stock up on cooler weather gear at deeply discounted prices, like the Women's Manitobah Pacific Puffer 2 Insulated Waterproof Bootsnow 70% off and a great investment for your future hiking trips. So read on and check out all the amazing deals waiting for you during the REI 4th ​​of July sale.

Best Deals on Women's Clothing


Whether you want to hike a few miles or plan to spend several days on the trail, having appropriate clothing that is functional and breathable is essential to being comfortable and happy in the elements. REI Co-op brand jackets like the Trailmade Women's Rain Jacket At Prana Halle straight pantsHere are some options to check out and it's worth noting that some of them are discounted by up to 50%.

Vuori Vintage Ripstop Shorts


Best Men's Clothing Deals


From sweat-wicking sun shirts to convertible pants and hiking gaiters, these discounts are definitely men's hiking essentials. Shop the Columbia PFG Solar Stream Hoodieor 25 percent reduction, the Fjallraven S/F thermal insulated anorakor 30% reduction, and the Trekmates Cairngorm GTX Gaiterswhich are 61 percent off.

Columbia PFG Solar Stream Hoodie


The best deals on shoes for men and women


Hiking shoes are specially designed shoes that provide comfort, support and protection for outdoor activities on uneven terrain. Shoes like Oboz Bridger Women's Insulated Waterproof Bootswhich are 50% off (and are even available in plus sizes), and Asolo Drifter EVO GV Men's Hiking Bootswhich are also 50% off, are made from durable materials, reinforced toe caps and sturdy outsoles. These provide stability on uneven surfaces and help prevent injuries on trails, allowing you to walk longer and further.

Hoka Kaha 2 GTX Women's Hiking Shoes


Best Outdoor Gear Deals


Over all my years of hiking, I've found that the best outdoor gear includes a wide range of equipment like tents, sleeping bags, and backpacks designed for different weather conditions. The right deals can make a significant difference in your enjoyment and safety, so check out these deals to save big on the essentials, like 40% off the Big Agnes Copper Spur HV UL2 Tent30 percent off the REI Co-op Flexlite Air Chairand 25 percent off the MSR WindBurner Stove System.

REI Co-op Siesta 20 Hooded Double Sleeping Bag


The best deals on outdoor accessories


Sometimes it's okay to treat yourself to a few extra comforts that make your time outdoors a little more luxurious. REI Co-op Cool Trail Pack Coolerwhich is 30% off, is just what you need at the end of a mountain hike to admire a sunset with a cold drink in hand. The Kingdom Cot 3 baby bed from the REI cooperativeon the other hand, which is also 30 percent off, is perfect if you want to spend a night outside looking at the stars without hurting your back sleeping on the ground.

Kelty Low Camping Loveseat


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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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