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What's in Puri Jagannath's floral dress?

What's in Puri Jagannath's floral dress?


Under the MoU signed between the National Botanical Research Institute and the Shree Jagannath Temple administration, the national institute has started cultivating endangered flowering plants to meet the flower requirements of the Shree Jagannath Temple, Puri, throughout the year.

Under the MoU signed between the National Botanical Research Institute and the Shree Jagannath Temple Administration, the national institute has started cultivating endangered flowering plants to meet the flower needs of the Shree Jagannath Temple, Puri, throughout the year. | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

The Lucknow-based National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI)-Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is on a mission to revive the endangered species of flowers used in the 12th century Shree Jagannath temple , in Puri, Odisha.

A year after the NBRI signed a memorandum of understanding with the Shree Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA), to cater to the needs of flowers grown in the temple throughout the year, the premier botanical research institute of the country (NBRI) provided flowers of Maurya and davana (Dayana) species for the temple.

We are studying various scriptures that detail the practices of the Shree Jagannath Temple. The rich traditions of this temple involve extensive use of flowers and leaves, each selected for specific rituals performed in the temple. However, many of these plant species are rare and difficult to procure, said Ajit Kumar Shasany, director of CSIR-NBRI in Lucknow.

Dr Shasany said we are on a mission to ensure the availability of these sacred flowers. Through this initiative, we also want to revive endangered floral species, preserving both temple traditions and the biodiversity of these plants.

As per the demand, quality planting materials of marigold, tuberose, tulsi, jasmine, davana (Dayana) were supplied and introduced into the Matitota garden of the temple to grow these plants for use in purposes of worship.

Gardeners are periodically trained in agricultural practices for growing these plants. A polythene greenhouse was constructed in this garden to continually raise the plants throughout the year, the NBRI said.

Besides, lotus variety Namoh 108, released by CSIR-NBRI, was also introduced in the Koili Baikuntha garden of the temple. All these aromatic flowers and foliage plants are in high demand in the temple as they are used in daily rituals, the NBRI said.

The most important decoration of the deities during the day is the Bada Singhara Besha. It is performed every evening before the Ratri Pahuda (last ritual). The Bada Singhara Besha is usually made up of different types of floral ornaments, according to NBRI research.

The deities are decorated with floral ornaments such as Adhara, Jhumpa, Chandrika, Tilaka, Hruda Padaka, Kara Pallav, Guna, Gava and a number of garlands, some of them are mixed with Tulsi leaves, it states. -we.

In addition, floral ornaments such as Nakuasi and Nakachana are placed on the noses and Adharmala is made to be hung around the arms. Below this, another garland is hung, called Chausaramala. Three huge attractive medallions called Hruda Padaka are stuck in the middle of the chest of three deities. Thus, flowers and floral decoration have great importance in the daily rituals of Lord Jagannath, the institute said.

Apart from meeting the demand for flowers, NBRI has created two unique gardens, Nabagraha Vatika, showcasing the specific plants of the planet in the garden and Surya Vatika with brilliant floral colors, indicating the rays of the sun.




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