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Katie Holmes at Paris Fashion Week after daughter Suri's graduation

Katie Holmes at Paris Fashion Week after daughter Suri's graduation


Katie Holmes looked very chic at the Patou show during Paris Fashion Week on Thursday, days after her daughter, Suri, graduated from high school.

The “Dawson's Creek” alum, 45, wore a navy structured jacket from the fashion house with gold buttons and a red collar, along with a white Patou shoulder bag.

The actress paired the pieces with a simple white tank top and wide-leg jeans, which she dressed up with a gold chain belt.

Katie Holmes attended the Patou Paris Fashion Week show days after celebrating her daughter Suri's graduation. Getty Images for Patou
The actress wore a navy blue jacket with gold buttons and a vibrant red collar. Lucia Sabatelli/press action/Shutterstock
She paired the pieces with wide leg jeans and high heeled boots. Getty Images

Holmes completed the look with high-heeled boots, a delicate gold necklace and simple studs.

She appeared to be in good spirits and smiled when the paparazzi took her picture.

The “First Daughter” star carried a white shoulder bag with gold accents. Getty Images
She seemed in good spirits during her day in Paris. Broadcast Photos / MEGA

The “First Daughter” star had just attended 18-year-old Suri's graduation last week.

The proud mom was in the crowd as her first and only child graduated from New York's LaGuardia High School on June 21.

Suri looked like her mom's mini-me with her red bonnet and dress, which she layered over a classic white dress.

Holmes' daughter, Suri, graduated from high school last week. BrosNYC / CONTEXT
She will attend Carnegie Mellon in the fall. Maiajwong/TikTok
Suri revealed her father's last name, Tom Cruise, at her graduation ceremony.

The high school graduate dropped her father's last name, Tom Cruise, to go by the name Suri Noelle in brochures handed out at the milestone event.

A source told Page Six that Suri is now using Holmes' middle name as her last name to “congratulate her mother.” The insider added that the new identity will help her avoid the paparazzi and allow her to “start fresh in college.”

The Scientologist actor, who was married to Holmes from 2006 to 2012, was estranged from Suri for most of his life and was spotted attending Taylor Swift's Eras Tour show in London on the night of her graduation.

The “Top Gun” star has been separated from Suri for years. Wire image
Cruise and Holmes were married from 2006 to 2012. FilImage
Holmes is extremely close to his daughter. Getty Images

The “Top Gun” star also has two children, Connor, 29, and Isabella, 31, with ex-wife Nicole Kidman, whom he was married to from 1990 to 2001. He was also married to Mimi Rogers from 1987 to 1990, but they do not have any children.

Meanwhile, Holmes shares an extremely close bond with Suri, and they are often spotted around town together.

“I feel very lucky to have such a special daughter. Being her mother is without a doubt the greatest gift and privilege,” Holmes said in a 2017 interview.




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