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Ugandan designer vows to regrow dreadlocks cut in prison

Ugandan designer vows to regrow dreadlocks cut in prison


ByWedaeli Chibelushi & Charles Gitonga,BBC News

Latif Madoi Latif MadoiLatif Madoi

Latif Madoi says this is the first time his daughter has seen him without dreadlocks

A famous Ugandan fashion designer whose dreadlocks were cut off after his arrest has told the BBC he plans to let them grow back “as long as possible”. [he] lives”.

Latif Madoi, who made clothes for celebrities including the late South African reggae icon Lucky Dube and Jamaican Busy Signal, spent just over six weeks in detention.

He was not convicted of any crime, but prison authorities nevertheless insisted on cutting off the dreadlocks he had grown for 17 years.

On Monday, he was released on bail of one million Ugandan shillings ($213; $269).

After settling back into his home, Mr Madoi told the BBC the loss of his beloved locks had left him “heartbroken”.

He said he begged the prison official to allow him to keep them and “shed a tear” when they were cut off.

“I consider my dreadlocks to be my crown,” he said, adding that he was well known for having them and now looks like everyone else.

Even though he has lost much of his identity, he said “it doesn't change the heart.”

The 47-year-old was known for giving “fashion concerts” during which he would make 10 to 15 dresses in just two hours.

But now, without the dreadlocks, he feels “shy… like I can't go out there. Maybe I'll even feel shy going back on stage.”

Police said they raided his fashion school and arrested him for possessing “uniforms declared for the exclusive use” of the army and police, which is illegal under Ugandan law.

But Mr Madoi, his lawyer and many Ugandan supporters online are convinced that he was imprisoned because of his affiliation with Bobi Wine, the opposition leader and singer whose real name is Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu.

Latif Madoi Latif MadoiLatif Madoi

Mr. Madoi had been growing his dreadlocks for 17 years

The two men met when Bobi Wine asked Mr Madoi to make clothes for his concerts and music videos. Their relationship continued when Bobi Wine entered politics: the opposition leader's signature campaign outfit, a bright red overall, was designed by Mr Madoi.

Mr Madoi admits he was in possession of military equipment when police raided his school on May 13 – but that the uniform was from the US army.

He told the BBC he was making modifications for his friend who is a Marine serving in the United States.

Despite the uniform, Mr Madoi said he was certain the police arrested him because he was making Bobi Wine's red jumpsuit.

“There is no other reason. Anyone affiliated with Bobi Wine will still be arrested,” he said.

“We know we are not free anymore. I can't visit him at home at any time, like before. You are always afraid of being arrested.”

The BBC has contacted Ugandan authorities for comment.

The country's security forces have long pursued political opponents of President Yoweri Museveni.

Bobi Wine, currently the president's biggest rival, has been arrested several times and faces several charges, including treason, all of which he denies.

Authorities deny the arrests were political in nature and say they were necessary to maintain public order during opposition protests.

Bobi Wine/Twitter Bobi Wine wears red overalls during a march with NUP supporters behind himBobi Wine/Twitter

Bobi Wine's red beret and overalls have become part of his signature style

On Monday, Bobi Wine announced Mr Madoi's release to his two million followers on social media platform X, formerly Twitter.

“Welcome back from captivity my brother Latif Madoi,” the message read.

“It is a shame of the loss, indignity and humiliation that the regime has inflicted on you since it arrested you six weeks ago for offering us your professional services.”

Mr Madoi is due back in court on July 29. Until then, he will try to replace the sewing machines at his school, seized during the search.

“The profession is no longer the same…students don't have machines that they can learn on, that we can demonstrate on,” he says.

Mr. Madoi is also working on feeling confident without his dreadlocks and has already managed to identify one advantage.

“I have a 14 year old daughter… she has never seen me without [dreadlocks]. Maybe she always thought, “My father was born like this,” he laughed.

“It comforted me: now she has the chance to see me without hair, looking like any other person.”

In 2017, the BBC filmed Madoi making a single dress in four minutes

Other BBC articles on Uganda:

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