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Melissa McCarthy Gets Text in Little Black Dress on 'Jimmy Kimmel'

Melissa McCarthy Gets Text in Little Black Dress on 'Jimmy Kimmel'


Melissa McCarthy put a textural spin on the classic little black dress during her appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” ” THURSDAY. The Oscar-nominated actress joined Martin Short as Jiminy Glick. The two made several comedic appearances and McCarthy spoke about his role as an investor in the Broadway musical “Suffs.”

For her appearance on a late-night talk show, McCarthy made a little black dress revisited by Mara Hoffman. McCarthy wore the Luna dress, which featured a midi length with ruffled appliqués on the bodice and sleeves. The dress also featured a sweetheart neckline and sculptural effect that continued down the skirt, creating a popcorn-like texture.

LOS ANGELES, CA - JUNE 27: Melissa McCarthy is seen on June 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by PG/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images)

Melissa McCarthy is seen on June 27 in Los Angeles.

Images PG/Bauer-Griffin/GC

McCarthy also wore a pair of pointed-toe slingback heels. “Bridesmaids” and “Can You Forgive Me?” The Oscar nominee also accessorized with several jewelry pieces, including layered bracelets, cocktail rings and a pair of hoop earrings.

As for the finishing touch to her look, McCarthy carried the Kate Spade Slice 3D Pizza Box Top-Handle Bag. For glam, McCarthy wore her chocolate brown tresses in soft curls, styled by Mark Townsend, which cascaded over her shoulders. Her makeup, done by artist Afton Williams, featured a hint of smoky eye and a rosy pink lip. McCarthy's look was curated by stylist Katja Cahill, who has worked with McCarthy on events such as Center Theater Group Hosts CTG Gala and more.

During his appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” McCarthy spoke with guest host Martin Short, who played his character Jiminy Glick. While the interview was full of comedy and jokes, McCarthy shared his experience as an investor in the Broadway show “Suffs,” which chronicles the suffragette movement.

“It’s amazing,” McCarthy said of the musical. “It’s funny, it’s heartbreaking.” McCarthy also discussed meeting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton while working on the show. “She’s one of the producers; she’s invested in it. She’s really sharp,” McCarthy said of Clinton.

LOS ANGELES, CA - JUNE 27: Melissa McCarthy is seen on June 27, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by PG/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images)

Melissa McCarthy is seen on June 27 in Los Angeles.

Images PG/Bauer-Griffin/GC

McCarthy also briefly discussed her work on the upcoming season of the Hulu series “Only Murders in the Building,” which stars Short, Steve Martin and Selena Gomez. “Almost everyone has been great,” McCarthy joked.

“Only Murders in the Building” follows three strangers obsessed with news podcasts who live in the same building in New York and decide to solve murders. The fourth season premieres on Hulu on August 27.




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