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The 6 Best Rain Boots for Men 2024

The 6 Best Rain Boots for Men 2024


Photo-Illustration: Strategist; Photos: Retailers

Nothing ruins time spent outdoors like a pair of wet socks. (Trust me, I'm a fitness and outdoors writer who's always testing running shoes and hiking boots.) The best way to keep my feet dry is to wear a pair of reliable rain boots. I don't just use my rain boots when it's stormy outside, their waterproof materials and construction are perfect for keeping my feet mud-free on walks in the park and protecting my feet from dirt and grime. grime when I do household chores on my patio. While tall rubber boots are still one of the best options for staying dry in pouring rain, there are plenty of waterproof boots available options that don't necessarily scream rain boots. Types that rely on materials like Gore-Tex will also be more breathable: Waterproof materials like rubber or plastic shed water easily, but can also make your feet feel like they're in a sauna.

To find the best rain boots, I tested a few pairs myself and spoke to men’s style experts, outdoor gear testers, and commercial fishermen and forest rangers who use rain boots on the job to get their top recommendations. I included pairs from Xtratuf, L.L.Bean, and Bogs, the most well-known rain boot makers, as well as hiking boots and work boots from other brands that are equally durable and waterproof.

Some styles cover your shins and calves, while other pairs ride just above the ankle. For torrential rains or if you spend time in humid climates, you might need that extra coverage, but these models might not be as suitable or comfortable for everyday use as shorter boots.

A good pair of rain boots will be made with a waterproof material, such as rubber or Gore-Tex, while other pairs will be made with a combination of rubber and leather. Some pairs will have features such as pull-on heel tabs that will make them easier to put on, while others will have laces.

Because of their rubber and leather composition, rain boots are generally not as breathable as other boots. But some pairs have features that make them comfortable to wear, such as padded insoles, insulated linings that increase warmth, and roomy toe caps.

Men's Legacy Xtratuf 15 Inch Boot

Profile: 15 inch height | Design details: Seamless Neoprene Rubber Latex | Comfort: Foam footbed, insulated version available

The best rain boot is one that repels water and keeps your feet dry. That means full coverage, well past the ankle, and a seamless design that won't let water in, even when almost completely submerged. The Xtratuf Legacy Boot checks all of those boxes. The 15-inch height rises to mid-calf on me (I'm five-foot-ten), and it's made from neoprene latex rubber, which is completely waterproof. When I rounded up the best winter boots for men, the Legacy Boot came highly recommended by Ben Shryock, chief ranger for the Kodiak region of Alaska State Parks. They're the most comfortable and durable rubber boots I've found. You can find them for sale in almost every coastal town in Alaska, he says. Shryock uses the isolated versionbut finds them too warm for summer, so he normally swaps them for the regular, uninsulated Legacy boots in April. They are also available with a steel tipin a wide calf versionand in a neoprene liner version.

Xtratuf Deck Boots

Profile: 6 inch height | Design details: Pull-on tabs, rubber |Comfort: Wide heel collar

If you don't think you need the full coverage of the 15-inch Legacy Boot, I recommend the six-inch Ankle Deck Boot from the same brand. Its outsole is made from a durable, fully waterproof rubber, and its wider heel collar lets you tuck in your pants or drape them over the boot. According to winemaker and commercial fisherman Christopher Nicolson, you've probably spotted these boots on people who work on boats or in the seafood industry. Nicolson wears his pair of Deck Boots to work and mentions how great they are even become somewhat elegant outside of her profession. I think they made their way into the outdoor fashion culture for the under 48s a few years ago, but almost all Alaskans still wear Xtratuf boots, he says. Classic chestnuts are jam.

LLBean Men's Bean Boots, 8-Inch

Profile: 8 inch height | Design details: Rubber sole and toe, leather lace-up upper | Comfort: Spacious tip

Whenever the forecast calls for rain, I reach for my Bean Boots. The rubber bottom around the toe repels slush, snow, and puddle splashes, and the lace-up leather upper gives them a better fit than the sloppier uppers of rubber boots. I find my Bean Boots comfortable to walk in, the rubber heel is forgiving and has a slight bounce, while the leather upper flexes with my foot as it bends (as opposed to a stiff rubber upper). The Bean Boots run a little big. If you're wearing them with regular socks, you'll want to order a size down from your usual size if you're usually a full size (and a size and a half down if you're a half size).

Bogs Workman Composite Toe Mid Boots

Profile: 11 inches tall | Design details: Composite toe, pull tabs | Comfort: Gel padding in the insole

When it comes to waterproof work boots that can stand up to the dirtiest conditions, it's hard to beat a pair from Bogs, known for their durability. The Bogs Workman Mid Comp Toe features the thick, heavily lugged sole of a work boot, a fully waterproof outsole, a composite toe cap that protects the toe, and dual pull tabs. Joe Jacksona former columnist specializing in construction machinery Out based in Ashland, Oregon, has put thousands of hours of use into their pair. They’re what I work in on rainy trails in the fall, they’re what I work in during the winter when I teach adaptive ski lessons (I’m in them every second, so I don’t need to wear ski boots while I teach), and they live outside my door the rest of the winter waiting for whatever muddy task might come my way. They’re also durable: They stink to high heaven, Jackson says, but otherwise they’ve held up incredibly well with virtually no wear on the inner lining (one slight abrasion on the heel after thousands of feet of sliding) and minor scuffing on the exterior.

Vasque Sundowner GTX Boots

Profile: Ankle height | Design details: Gore-Tex lining | Comfort: Thick, cushioned midsole and lugged outsole for traction

Not all hiking shoes are designed for rain, but some have a simple construction with minimal seams and use materials that repel water, making them a great choice for winter slush and mud. The Vasque Sundowner is a classic hiking shoe that has been around since 1984, and one of the newer versions is the GTX, which features a Gore-Tex membrane. Its simple design is why it is such a popular model among hikers and backpackers as well as stylish men. Columnist Chris Black recommended them in our roundup of the best winter boots for men, calling them understated and functional. Leon Hedgepeth, freelance writer and editor of the men's fashion newsletter Contempt and Strategist contributor, agrees. “They’re one of the most discreet boots out there. They’re a very easy shoe to put on because they’re all black, they also come in brown leather, and they’re easy to clean,” he says.

SeaVees Bolinas offshore boot

Profile: Ankle height | Design details: Made with a matte, vegan natural rubber | Comfort: Elastic band and pull tabs

The Bolinas are like a sleeker, more urban version of the Xtratuf deck boots. They have the standard Chelsea boot style that makes for easy on and off and the same seamless construction that allows water to bead up. Hedgepeth says it’s not easy to find a rain boot that’s both stylish and functional. But these are the boots, he says, especially at a reasonable price. “I bring these boots whenever there’s rain in the forecast or when I’m doing an outdoor activity that might involve mud,” he says, noting that the boots’ natural rubber is easy to hose down and clean. He does find them to be a bit big. Since I have narrow feet, I sized down significantly to an 8.5, even though I typically wear a size 10 in sneakers.

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