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Artist, designer and educator Lisa Z Morgan named president of fashion design

Artist, designer and educator Lisa Z Morgan named president of fashion design


Lisa Z. Morgan has been named chair of the Department of Fashion at the Pratt Institutes School of Design. Morgan joins Pratt from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), where she has served as chair of the Department of Apparel Design since 2017. An accomplished designer, artist, author, and interdisciplinary educator, Morgan brings a wealth of industry expertise, creative perspective, and collaborative leadership experience to Pratt. She will assume this role on July 1, 2024.

“We are very pleased to welcome Lisa to Pratt,” said Anita Cooney, dean of the School of Design. “With Lisa’s distinctive creative background, exceptional teaching experience, innovative and collaborative curriculum development, and successful leadership track record, I am confident she will be a valuable addition to our community at a time of new growth for the department and new interdisciplinary opportunities for the school.”

As chair, Morgan will oversee approximately 40 faculty and 300 students in the undergraduate fashion design program and Pratt’s new MFA in fashion collection + communication, which will welcome its first class this fall. The department also includes a minor in fashion and a minor in textiles, which are open to students from all disciplines.

My experiences, both lived and practical, have prepared me to co/imagine the fashion department by engaging cross-cultural competencies and fostering meaningful collaborations and communication methods that challenge hierarchical and extractive structures, Morgan said. I am excited for this opportunity to co-conspire with the fashion department and the broader Pratt Institute community.

In her personal practice, as well as her mandate as an educator, Morgan is committed to sustainability, equity, and interdisciplinary creative cross-pollination. At RISD, she collaborated with faculty, both in her department and across the school, to improve the core curriculum, with an emphasis on identity(ies) and the social and political implications of dress, and has helped develop elective courses that engage students in creative practices and studies that are culturally diverse, experiential and adaptive.

Morgan has been recognized for her creative work, both individually and in collaborations. Her work fuses critical inquiry and observation with tactile, embodied creation. She is co-founder of the artistic practice and couture lingerie brand Strumpet & Pink, and has exhibited and performed internationally, sometimes using the pseudonym The Pink Investigator. His work, which has been featured and discussed in eleven books, as well as magazines and newspapers around the world, is in the collections of the RISD Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, among others. She has also contributed to platforms such as The Laboratory Arts Collective and SHOWstudio, and is the author/curator of Design Behind Desire. Morgan views fashion and clothing as powerful communication tools, believing that a single item of clothing can activate or embody an experience in a deeply meaningful way. Recognizing that the fashion industry as a system continues to thrive on a culture of exploitation, Morgan says it is not possible to address sustainability without engaging systems centered around equity , responsive, restorative and attentive.

Morgan holds a Master of Arts from the Royal College of Art and a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Arts from the University for the Creative Arts in the United Kingdom.




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