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Customers furious as popular fast fashion brand bans shoppers over returns

Customers furious as popular fast fashion brand bans shoppers over returns


Some customers of popular fast fashion brand PrettyLittleThing aren't happy after the company abruptly banned them from ordering.

The women's clothing brand cited frequent returns as the reason.

But banned shoppers have flooded the comments section of the PrettyLittleThings Instagram account to express their frustration. Many have pointed out that because there are no physical stores, they can only shop online and won't know how the UK-based retailer's items will fit until they arrive.

“I am one of the banned accounts and I am actually OFFENDED that they insinuated that we abused the return policy in any way,” Instagram user @Kymtill said in a comment on one of the brands. Instagram posts. I have been a PLT customer for years and spend hundreds of dollars a month on this brand. YOUR CLOTHES ARE POOR QUALITY, SEE THROUGH, AND INCONSISTENT SIZING.

Another banned customer joined the other commenters on the post.

Hi girls, I'm Kim and I got banned from PLT because they seem to be between sizes, I ordered more than one and came back, Instagram user @kimmcghiex said.

PrettyLittleThing responded to the backlash in a statement in a new Instagram post, but has disabled comments on that post.

“We saw an extremely high return rate from a small group of customers who demonstrated behaviors inconsistent with what we see with the rest of our customer base,” PrettyLittleThing said. “The measures taken are not intended to limit our customers who need to return products or to discourage them from doing so, they have been taken to respond to a small proportion of customers who have a high return rate. »

With comments disabled on this post, customers took issue with a previous post's statement, questioning the use of the term “small pool.” They pointed to the sheer number of commenters claiming to have been banned.

PrettyLittleThing also addressed banned customers' concerns about the fees they pay to be part of the company's Royalty Rewards loyalty program, as well as those with gift cards and store credits.

We are working on this and aim to have fee refunds issued to customers whose accounts have been closed. All customers with outstanding store credit cards and gift cards will also be refunded these amounts. An email will be sent once these refunds are processed, the company said.

PrettyLittleThing also said it would work to ensure its items meet customer standards.

“We understand that when shopping online you may need to purchase more than one size, to check the fit, which we take into account in your shopping experience,” the brand said.

We are constantly working with our buying, design and modelling teams to ensure that the quality and fit of our garments are and will continue to be what our customers expect. We take all customer feedback into account and are constantly working to make changes.

The company said the ban affected a small base of buyers who demonstrated inconsistent behavior and that it had no plans to ban other accounts.

PrettyLittleThing did not respond to Scripps News' request for comment.




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