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First lady Jill Biden makes statement in 'Vote' dress after debate

First lady Jill Biden makes statement in 'Vote' dress after debate


Jill Biden wore a “Vote” dress to a post-debate rally for her husband, President Joe Biden. AFP via Getty Images

It literally turns the vote upside down.

Dr. Jill Biden sent a strong message to Americans at her husband, President Joe Biden's, post-debate rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Friday, wearing a navy silk crepe Christian Siriano dress with an allover “Vote” print.

“Dr. Biden wearing my dress sends a clear message to all of us. Voting for Biden is voting for human and civil rights,” the designer told Page Six Style in a statement.

“As a young American brand and designer, what we can do is give a voice to our clothes and I hope that speaks to you. Now let’s get to work!”

The garment was designed by Christian Siriano. AFP via Getty Images
She accessorized with pearl earrings. Getty Images

The first lady, 73, accessorized her outfit with pearl drop earrings, a delicate necklace, several bracelets and matching navy pointy-toe pumps.

The designer's “Vote” print has become a Hollywood favorite in recent years, with similar styles appearing on the likes of Lizzo, Julianne Moore, Julia Roberts and Sarah Hyland.

Siriano has dressed Dr. Biden in the past, as well as other White House women like former first lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Kamala Harris.

She also wore a silver necklace and many bracelets. AFP via Getty Images
She also wore navy blue pumps. AFP via Getty Images
Dr. Biden wearing my dress sends a clear message to all of us. A vote for Biden is a vote for human and civil rights,” Siriano told Page Six Style. AFP via Getty Images
“As a young American brand and designer, we can give a voice to our clothes and I hope that speaks to you. Now, let’s get to work!” added the designer. Getty Images

“When you dress these people, it's really cool because the whole world sees them,” the “Project Runway” alum said. told Business Insider last week.

“It makes you feel so good because someone everyone admires chose to wear something. It’s kind of the ultimate compliment.”

The Bidens had traveled to North Carolina from Atlanta, where the 81-year-old president debated former U.S. President and current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, 78.

The president debated Donald Trump on Thursday evening. Getty Images
Jill was alongside her husband during the televised event. AFP via Getty Images

The first lady isn't one to shy away from eye-catching styles. Last May, she wore head-to-toe hot pink for an audience with the British prime minister's wife, Akshata Murthy, ahead of King Charles' coronation.

And for a meeting with Kate Middleton in 2021, Dr. Biden chose a Barbiecore blazer from L'Agence that coordinated perfectly with the royal's magenta Alexander McQueen dress.

And who could forget the first lady's stunning fishnet stockings?




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