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A recent tattoo? Here's how to take care of your freshly tattooed skin | Tattoos

A recent tattoo?  Here's how to take care of your freshly tattooed skin |  Tattoos


Las one in four people in Britain, I have a tattoo. In fact, eight of them, and their visibility means people frequently ask me, before embarking on their first, how to maintain a new one. This interest in post-treatment must be skyrocketing, as a number of brands dedicated to good quality tattoos and skincare (like Stories &Inkout of 15) are appearing in the form of tattoo-specific products within mainstream skincare ranges.

I have mixed feelings because caring for newly tattooed skin is the same as caring for general skin to keep the surface moist and the barrier protected and I'm not convinced you need to spend the extra money. extra money for something special (although I respect the impulse to buy a nice new cream to celebrate your new work of art, of course).

A fresh tattoo should be kept clean and well moisturized to prevent the design from cracking and peeling, but not so much as to interfere with the natural healing process, at the end of which the tattoo will appear sharper and more vibrant than when it was first removed. It was new. Beyond that, I believe the key is to let the tattoos do their own thing.

My own routine is simple: as soon as I get home, I remove the cling film that is there to protect others from your bodily secretions and I air out the tattoo. I leave it on until morning, then wash it with clean, lukewarm water (add a little gentle foaming cleanser if there is blood or gunk. CeraVe, Simple or similar is ideal), never scrub and apply a thin layer of moisturizer. I use Bepanthen diaper ointment. This was recently published in a specifically badged format Tattoo Care Formulation (6.99) but, in my opinion, it is quite interchangeable with the original. The texture is ideal, thick enough to stay in place but soft and melting enough to not drag or aggravate the tender skin underneath.

Nursem was co-founded by an intensive care nurse who found her skin sore and irritated by the constant need to wash her hands on the ward. The brand still donates hand cream to NHS staff, but the range has expanded beyond extremities. Nursems Caring Skin Patch (14.99) uses Allantoin and Oatmeal to effectively soothe and comfort post-inking pain, and Hyaluronic Acid to keep the design hydrated. A simple but diligent application of either should have tattoos healing and looking glorious within a fortnight. Then use a moisturizing sunscreen to bring out lines and colors.

Care: Neusa Neves at Arlington Artists uses Happy Face Extreme Relief Cica Moisturizer. Model: Meera Solanki at Hired Hands




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