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Jill Biden's post-debate damage control outfit


To the political strategy that might in the future be described as a transparent effort to change the narrative and repair the damage done to Joe Biden in the first presidential debate, add the dress Jill Biden wore to accompany her husband to his rally the next day in Raleigh, N.C.

As President Biden tried to address some of the concerns Friday about his age and energy, his wife, a political spouse who often seems to choose clothes that take a back seat, took a seat beside him in a blue crepe dress navy covered with one word over and over again: Vote.

Given the many post-debate reactions that emphasized viewers' anxious feelings about Mr. Biden's shaky performance, this could not be a coincidence.

Especially considering that Mrs. Biden has often seemed reluctant to engage in the first lady’s fashion diplomacy game, wearing mostly designer pieces she feels comfortable in rather than clothes with an obvious tactical connection to an event. The fact that she chose a dress that is sure to draw attention to her, and at a time when any attention that isn’t about her husband’s age is probably good attention, is a statement in itself.

After all, there is no doubt that all eyes would be on the president at his first post-debate meeting, in part to judge whether his weakness from the day before would repeat itself. Or that the images of this gathering would be widely distributed. And therefore, what his wife wore, like every detail of her performance, would send a signal not only to the general public, but also to the class of political pundits who have called for Mr. Biden's resignation. The one who noticed that the key influencer would be his wife.

He may have been talking, but it was that dress that was talking.

He is Christian Siriano, a designer known for his inclusive approach to fashion and who created the iconic blue dress that Michelle Obama wore to the 2016 Democratic convention. In an email, Mr. Siriano said that the first lady's team contacted him about a month ago to ask for a new version of a voting dress he had made for their spring 2021 collection.

Rebecca Feinglos, the founder of @grieveleave, a grief support platform, said she wore one of the original Siriano voting dresses when she met Dr. Biden at an event a few months ago. The first lady asked me where I bought my dress, Ms. Feinglos wrote in a Instagram postand I was so excited to tell him his story.

Mr. Siriano said that when Dr. Biden's team called him, he proposed this shape that seemed classic but modern and hopefully tasteful for today's event.

He added: “I think we all knew after the first debate that this would be an important debate that could send a message to the world.

This is the third time in the last four years that Dr. Biden has worn an item of clothing with a message written on it.

In 2020, before the last presidential election, Dr. Biden wore a pair of Stuart Weitzman Tall Boots who also read the vote. And in 2021, at the first meeting of the Group of 7 in Britain after the president took office, she wore a jacket with the word love on the back. The choice was widely interpreted as a riposte to the jacket Melania Trump notoriously wore during her husband's administration with the words I Really Don't Care, Do U? scribbled on the back.

Now the match is back, and so are the words on the clothes. Maybe it's completely normal. Dr. Biden is an English professor. She knows exactly how important succinct language is, even if it's a dress.




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