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Artistic Milliners Evolves 3D Assets and Renewable Energy

Artistic Milliners Evolves 3D Assets and Renewable Energy


A new case study explains how Artistic Milliners leverages 3D scanning and hardware technology.

The Karachi, Pakistan-based vertically integrated denim manufacturer has partnered with Vizoo, a German provider of material scanning and digitization solutions, to accelerate sample production and improve the quality of its 3D assets. Artistic Milliners implemented Vizoo’s material scanning technologies at its Pakistan headquarters in 2022.

Using a combination of Vizoo’s xTex A4 scanner for visual properties and the physX platform for fabric drape properties, the manufacturer creates accurate digital twins that are compatible with Browzwear’s apparel CAD software, VStitcher, and CLO’s 3D fashion design software.

“We wanted a smooth, automated workflow that would give us accurate, true-to-life and photorealistic results,” Amber Isaac, CPD Manager at Artistic Milliners and Star Fades International, said in the case study.

She added that direct experience from other customers already benefiting from Vizoo technologies was behind Artistic Milliners' final decision.

Vizoo reports that the technologies have “significantly accelerated” Artistic Milliners' texture creation processes, “enabling them to deliver high-quality 3D assets to their clients in record time.”

Target, Gap, Kontoor Brands and Macy's are among the company's partner brands that are using digital media, with Levi's, Walmart and Express set to be next in line to adopt the technology.

New acquisition

Artistic Milliners Limited is expanding its presence in the renewable energy sector in Pakistan.

The denim maker's acquisition of Tenaga Generasi Limited has been approved by the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP), Pakistan Today reported.

Founded in 2004 by a Malaysian company in Pakistan, Tenaga Generasi Limited operates a 50 MW wind power plant. Tenaga Generasi has been allocated 1,200 acres of intertidal land for setting up the power plant in KhutiKun area of ​​Gharo district, Sindh.

In 2008, 75% of the shares were sold to Dawood Lawrencepur Limited, with the remaining shares held by the International Finance Corporation. Following the purchase, the Alternate Energy Development Board (AEDB) increased the land allocation to 4,881 acres, enough land for a 100 MW wind farm.

With this acquisition, Pakistan Today reports that Artistic Milliners will increase its renewable energy market share in Pakistan from 5.38% to 8%.

In 2018, Artistic Milliners launched Artistic Energy, a wholly owned subsidiary dedicated to solar and wind energy investments. In a 2022 interview with Rivet, Gibran Khaliq, the company's marketing head, said Pakistan's industries were resilient and prepared, especially in terms of supply chain and fuel challenges.

“This makes the textile industry in particular quite adaptable to shocks,” Khaliq said. “Power shortages are not new challenges, and that’s why Artistic Milliners has been building our infrastructure for decades, only getting stronger with time, investment and technology.”




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