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Jill Biden Encourages Voters in Christian Siriano Dress at Rally

Jill Biden Encourages Voters in Christian Siriano Dress at Rally


As voters, pundits and critics from both political parties dissect every word and gesture of Thursday night's debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, first lady Jill Biden delivered a not-so-subtle message with her fashion statement at a rally Friday morning in North Carolina.

FLOTUS showed up in a navy silk crepe dress with short sleeves printed with “VOTE” in white letters by New York designer Christian Siriano. The message was not only heard loud and clear by the TV cameras, photographers and videographers who filmed the rally, which took place at the Raleigh Fairgrounds, but also by viewers and social media followers. The first couple reportedly landed aboard Air Force One at Raleigh-Durham International Airport at 2 a.m. Friday.

The president's poor performance in the debates has prompted some members of the media and the Democratic Party to suggest that his removal, retirement and/or replacement may be in order, according to reports. But Biden had a different message for his supporters in Raleigh, telling them: “Folks, I don't walk as easily as I used to. I don't speak as easily as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to, but… I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong and I know how to get the job done. I know, as millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down, you get back up. »

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA – JUNE 28: First lady Jill Biden, with

First lady Jill Biden and President Joe Biden in Raleigh, North Carolina

Getty Images

The first lady’s “VOTE” dress seemed to convey another call to action. And Siriano, who millions know from her “Project Runway” days and social media presence, reiterated that Friday afternoon with this statement: “Dr. Biden wearing my dress sends a clear message to all of us. Voting for Biden is voting for human and civil rights. As a young American brand and designer, what we can do is give our clothes a voice, and I hope that resonates with you. Now let’s get to work!”

As of 2022, there are 161.4 million registered voters in the United States.

Shoppers can copy the first lady’s look, but only to a certain extent. A puff-sleeved version of the “VOTE” dress is available on Siriano’s e-commerce site for $3,800. The designer’s creations have been worn by celebrities including Cynthia Erivo, Cardi B, Coco Rocha, Lizzo, Jennifer Lopez, Ariana Grande and Oprah Winfrey.

The first lady's choice of attire for the rally was more pronounced than the periwinkle pantsuit she wore to Thursday's 90-minute debate in Atlanta. Many got a closer look at her outfit in a video of the first lady praising her husband's performance at the debate and then helping him off the stage that went viral.

Meanwhile, Melania Trump's stylist Hervé Pierre was free Thursday night, with the former first lady opting out of the historic showdown between an 81-year-old sitting president and a 78-year-old former president. The on-air battle in CNN's hometown drew 51.2 million viewers, according to preliminary Nielsen figures.

The Bidens will be in New York this weekend, and Jill Biden is set to speak at a political fundraising event in New York City. The first couple is expected to attend a fundraiser for the president's reelection campaign Saturday night in East Hampton.




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