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6 Shoe Trends That Dominated the Paris Men's Show 2025

6 Shoe Trends That Dominated the Paris Men's Show 2025


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The Paris menswear show featured plenty of moments of flexibility in footwear, from reinterpretations of classics like a reworked loafer and a marked increase in summer sandal options to a directional, sometimes three-dimensional chunky shoe. Some clear style stars will drive sales in spring 2025.

Here are 6 men's shoe trends that dominated the catwalks in Paris:

Men's Shoe Trends at Paris Fashion Week Spring 2025: Ultra FlatMen's shoe trends at Paris Fashion Week Men's Spring 2025: ultra-flat


Ultra flat flats
He I had a moment in Milan And the trend continued in Paris. Born on the women’s runway, the ultra-flat shoe appeared in a simple yet whimsical Mary Jane style by Wales Bonner. Jonathan Anderson’s Loewe married art and commerce with a pointed take on a lace-up evening flat. Kenzo opted for a subtle take on a fisherman’s flat, and Courrèges’ Nicolas Di Felice chose a leather slipper shoe with his signature razor cut.

Men's shoe trends at Paris Fashion Week Spring 2025: the revisited moccasinMen's shoe trends at Paris Men's Spring 2025 Fashion Week: reworked moccasins


The reworked moccasin
Another winner from Milan: the lazy. The Parisian version revisits the preppy vibe with a twist. Mike Amiri brought his take on an exclusive jazz club to Paris, dressing his mid-century jazz suit with black and white loafers for a too-cool-for-school vibe. Ernest W. Baker went retro, also with a black and white version with gold accessories. Masters of subverting utility, Sacai opted for a less precious take, and Berluti went super sleek with a shiny take on the office classic.

Men's shoe trends at Paris Fashion Week Spring 2025: ChunkyMen's Shoe Trends at Paris Men's Spring 2025 Fashion Week: Chunky

Feng Chen Wang

The new big one
At the other end of the spectrum, fashion shoes got chunkier. Dior offered hybrid lace-up clogs, Feng Chen Wang went into the future with an oversized 3D sporty sandal style with socks and nylon shorts, another master of the craft, Comme des Garons went with any oversized clown shoe with ruffle details in black or white, while Kenzos Nigo made a rubber-wrapped ankle sneaker with a subtle hint of size.

Men's Shoe Trends at Paris Fashion Week Spring 2025: Summer BootsMen's shoe trends at Paris Fashion Week Men's Spring 2025: summer boots

Hed Meyer

Summer boots
Another take from the Italian runway, the boot as an unexpected new choice for a summer look with brown tones ranging from chocolate to caramel as the key idea. Dior went biker with ankle straps that stood out when paired with their shorts, Rick Owens created a sneaker style that almost looked like an update of the moonboot, Hey Meyers had a sleek Chelsea boot at one of the shows of the season, Dries Van Notens as the finale. Men's footwear had a flat snakeskin boot style that easily looked seasonless.

Men's Shoe Trends at Paris Fashion Week Spring 2025: Low-Top SneakersMen's Shoe Trends at Paris Fashion Week Spring 2025: Low-Top Sneakers


Low profile sneakers
Who said sneakers were dead? This season, shoppers have been drawn to low-top, mostly white sneakers, a clean update of a classic that's making a slight comeback, offering a refined sporty touch. Sacai's refined sporty version set the tone, Wales Bonner used a low-but-high rubber hooded style and Issey Miyake's Homme Pliss added color with a pastel green version paired with a variety of pieces pleated and the Yohji Yamamoto are black and white like a Chuck style pumped up with a little bit of life.

Men's shoe trends at Paris Men's Fashion Week Spring 2025: sandalsMen's shoe trends at Paris Men's Fashion Week Spring 2025: sandals

The mayor

Sandals, sandals and more sandals
The luxe sandal is everywhere, exploding this spring as the must-have shoe, shifting the trend from quiet luxury to a laid-back resort vibe. Dries Van Noten once again showed a mix of cross strap stylesHed Meyers were on a wooden platform with leather straps, Herms played with color blocking with crisscrossing straps and Lemaire showed a black version that laced up to the ankle, a sleek option more suited to a night out than a day at the beach.

Launch Gallery: Men's shoe trends seen at Men's Spring 2025 Fashion Week in Paris

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