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A water dress, a Dune-inspired gown and haute couture for Beyoncé: Iris van Herpen's avant-garde world in pictures | Australian Lifestyle

A water dress, a Dune-inspired gown and haute couture for Beyoncé: Iris van Herpen's avant-garde world in pictures | Australian Lifestyle


SScience, art or haute couture? Dutch designer Iris van Herpen is known for her sculptural, futuristic garments influenced by dance, architecture, the natural world, science and technology, and worn by the likes of Bjrk, Beyoncé and Lady Gaga.

Arriving in Australia directly from its Parisian premiere at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Iris van Herpen: sculpting the senses is a showcase of more than 170 objects from Van Herpens' career on display at the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane from June 29 to October 7.

The Heliosphere dress, designed for Beyoncé, is made of tulle, silver marbled silicone and Swarovski crystals. Photograph: Jamila Toderas Filippone/The Guardian

Among the designs on display is the Heliosphere dress worn by Beyoncé for the Amsterdam leg of her Renaissance 2023 tour. Designed by Van Herpen and created by a team of 12, the dress features 980 laser-cut leaf-shaped outlines cast in silver marbled silicone and then hand-sewn onto a tulle minidress, as well as Swarovski crystals. The halo collar is crafted from PETG, a semi-rigid polyester material.

Among Van Herpens's best-known designs are dresses inspired by the movement of water. Photography: Slve Sundsb
A water dress from the Van Herpens exhibition. Photography: The Guardian

For its 2010 Cristallisation collection, also presented at the exhibition, Van Herpen was inspired by the from apparent chaos to structured precision of water, from its fluid, liquid state to its hard, mathematical, crystalline ice form.

This Seijaku dress is sculpted from hand-blown glass bubbles covered in transparent silicone. Photography: Warren du Preez and Nick Thornton Jones

The Water and Dreams room, one of the nine rooms in the exhibition, presents creations from Van Herpens' Seijaku 2016 collection. The glass dress is sculpted from hand-blown glass bubbles, covered in a transparent silicone, which creates a bioluminescent prism around the body.

A Shift Soul dress, designed to smoke around the person's body in three-dimensional waves. Photography: The Guardian

Shift Souls clothing, from the 2019 collection of the same name, is designed for smoke around the body in three-dimensional wave designs, according to the designers' website. The look was created with layers of dyed silk and frames of laser-cut mylar (a type of polyester film).

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Nine hundred hours of work and 26 meters of silk: the Bene Gesserit dress worn by the musician Grimes in 2021. Photography: The Guardian

Musician Grimes wore the Bene Gesserit dress named after the powerful reverend mothers from Frank Herbert's science fantasy novel Dune to the 2021 Met Gala. It's made from 26 yards of silk and took over 900 hours to make.

The Epicycle dress from the Hypnosis 2019 collection. Photography: Jamila Toderas Filippone/The Guardian

The Epicycle spherical dress, from the Hypnosis 2019 collection, creates an optical illusion where layers of organza hoops appear wrap themselves around each other endlessly.




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