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The 7 best fashion trends of summer 2024

The 7 best fashion trends of summer 2024


With the summer solstice officially behind us, we're all looking forward to Bazaar office are thinking about what we are going to wear for the warm months ahead. (That is, when we're not wearing our favorite swimsuits or summer jeans.) The Best Summer 2024 Fashion Trends Are Runway-Approved, But Work Just As Well for steamy city sidewalks.

On the runway, designers from Bottega Veneta to Proenza Schouler showed off artful mesh ensembles. Brands like Miu Miu and Wales Bonner took a sportier approach with athletic shorts and contrast-trimmed tees, while Altuzarra and Coperni offered a more polished look with colorful mock-neck dresses in soft, sleek hues. Or, for a subtle hint of skin, try sheer skirts from Carven or Missoni. (Style tip: For fall, throw on an oversized blazer for a look that’s both provocative and tailored.)

Below, I break down 7 of the most compelling summer fashion trends from the 2024 runways, with styles to shop now.

Fishing net and hook

from left to right bandega veneta gabriela heartst proenza schouler

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From left to right: Bottega Veneta, Gabriela Hearst, Proenza Schouler.

I love the idea of ​​crochet in the summer, it's like wearable art, if you will. Designers have taken a variety of approaches to the open knit trend, from mesh dresses from Bottega Veneta and Proenza Schouler to woven bags from Gabriela Hearst. Rachel Scott of Diotima designs incredible crochet pieces, and each piece is handmade in Jamaican artisan communities, making it a truly one-of-a-kind piece. And let's not forget the flat knit, which was all the rage on the catwalk and beyond.

Don't know how to wear a crocheted top to the office? I like to layer mine over a black tee with Carhartt WIP utility pants, which makes it look cool and approachable. If your workplace is more formal, swap it out for dressier pants.

Beaded Mesh Midi Dress

Self-Portrait Beaded Mesh Midi Dress

Now 30% off

Conch Crocheted Cotton Crop Top

Diotima Conch Crocheted Cotton Crop Top

LabaDee Tote Bag | Ecru

Little Courage LabaDee Tote Bag | Ecru

Mesh ballerinas with buckle strap

Mango Mesh ballet flats with buckle strap

Capri pants

corsair tracks


From left to right: 3.1 Phillip Lim, Atlein, Coperni.

The ultimate high-water pant, this '90s-inspired silhouette is like what happens when you cross board shorts with fitted pants, the perfect mix of sporty and minimalist. On the catwalk, they were dressed in a way that was both coy and sexy. Phillip Lim paired them with a leather caped parka, while Atlien and Coperni matched them with bra tops. I also like to wear them with a boat neck sailor top, a headband, east-west oval sunglasses and Mary Jane flats for a chic French summer look coded Brigitte-Bardot. Not only are they functional for busy days in the city, but they also make ideal travel pants that can take you straight from the plane to the sea.

Slim-fit capri pants in pleated crepe

Pintuck Vince fitted crepe capri pants

Emersyn capri pants

Emersyn capri pants The Frankie Shop

Jet set Capri in Black Sheen

FRAME Jetset Capri in glossy black

Crepe shorts

Tory Burch Crepe Cropped Pants

Now 50% off

Flip-flop sandals

a woman wearing a dress and shoes



This trend has literally rocked over the years, but it's back on top thanks to Chanel, who presented a handful of Spring/Summer 2024 runway looks with velvet flip-flops. Jelly flip flops from The Row and Ancient Greek Sandals To Tory Burch's colorful leather versions, they come in a range of fabrics and colors, all easy to wear. Wear them with circle skirts, bucolic ruffled dresses, or almost any pair of 2024 trendy jeans. These sandals are just fun for summer. .

Havaianas Slim Women's Flip Flops

Havaianas Slim Flip Flops for Women

Rubber beach flip flops

The Row rubber beach flip flops

Classic flip flops

Tory Burch Classic Flip Flops

Black Velvet Flip Flops

Chanel black velvet flip flops

White with a touch

white outfits on the models of the fashion show

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From left to right: Miu Miu, Jil Sander, Loewe.

Ruffled tops, eyelet dresses, layers of lace, and poplin circle skirts were all over the runways. From Jonathan Anderson's stunning white dress in his Loewe show to Jil Sander's angelic cape-and-layer look, this season's summer whites are full of personality, but they still offer enough of a blank canvas to make styling fun. The spring 2024 accessory trends of preppy shoes and cord pendant necklaces still make a lot of sense here. I especially love the idea of ​​contrasting an ethereal white dress with down-to-earth loafers or brogues, especially as summer transitions into fall.

Lace and poplin top for women

PradaWomen's Lace and Poplin Top

Marcella Crochet Lace Trimmed Midi Dress

SEA Marcella Crochet Lace Trimmed Midi Dress

Henri english cotton embroidery top with ruffles and pleats

DEN Henri English embroidery cotton top with ruffles and pleats

Sea Women's Ruffle Midi Skirt

STAUD Women's Sea Ruffle Midi Skirt

Column dresses

long dress parades


From left to right: Bottega Veneta, Christopher Esber, Missoni.

Summer dresses are always a good idea, and this season's best maxi dresses were all column dresses. Try a low-rise style to elongate the body and add height with a pair of platform summer sandals. For an extra graphic touch, opt for a brightly colored summer tote bag to add a little pop. I love wearing them as a day-to-night staple, layered with a lightweight utility jacket when the temperature drops.

Asymmetric satin dress with rosettes

Coperni asymmetric rosette satin dress

Long asymmetrical draped dress

St. Agni asymmetrical draped maxi dress

Brezza crepe evening dress

JACQUEMUS Brezza crepe dress

Saralien Ruched Jersey Long Dress

Altuzarra Saralien Ruched Jersey Long Dress

Sporty style

sports tracks


From left to right: Miu Miu, The Row, Wales Bonner.

Maybe the creators were thinking about the upcoming Paris Olympics, or maybe they all had The challengers fever, whatever the cause, athletic looks are on the rise. Miu Miu literally doubled down on sporty shorts, layering two pairs of board shorts with a preppy polo shirt on top. Grace Wales Bonner has a long-standing collaboration with Adidas and has infused a sporty element into its collections for many seasons. This summer she showed off a track jacket and many t-shirts. There were also sneakers all over the runways, which paired perfectly with a canvas bag for a chic athleisure balance. The best part? You can wear sporty styles from head to toe, but they're just as cool as separates.

Webbing-trimmed jersey T-shirt

Wales Bonner Webbing Trim Jersey T-Shirt

Lacrosse shorts

Lisa says lacrosse shorts Gah

Large Tondo Canvas Tote Bag

Savette Tondo Large Canvas Tote Bag

Suede sneakers

Dries Van Noten Suede Sneakers

Transparent skirts

transparent skirts

launch/spotlight metrics

From left to right: Carven, Givenchy, Missoni.

The embellished skirts and fitted pencils of the fall and winter runways gave way to a much more matching and sheer style. Transparent and light skirts are all the rage. Everyone from Carven to Givenchy to Missoni has tried this style and all have paired their skirts with a tailored jacket, making it a great way to wear the look for fall. For now, throw one over a swimsuit for the beach, or add a ribbed tank and strategic basics for a night out. I love these worn with a classic brown bag to add a degree of polish.

Sheer nylon mid-length skirt

Miu Miu sheer nylon mid-length skirt

Exclusive Peri silk-blend chiffon midi skirt

Peri Silk Blend Chiffon Midi Skirt, Exclusive to The Frankie Shop

Floral-Print Chiffon Layered Skirt

Givenchy Floral Print Chiffon Layered Skirt

Sheer silk-blend pencil skirt

Vince Sheer Silk Blend Pencil Skirt
Portrait of Jaclyn Alexandra Cohen

Jaclyn Alexandra Cohen is the Senior Fashion and Accessories Editor at Harper's Bazaar. When she's not in the office, you can find her downtown with her twin sister, figure skating somewhere, or searching for the perfect striped top. Follow her on Instagram @jaclynalexandra




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