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Kendall Jenner Makes Controversial Fashion Choice During 'Midnight' Louvre Exit in Paris

Kendall Jenner Makes Controversial Fashion Choice During 'Midnight' Louvre Exit in Paris


Kendall Jenner made a statement with her latest ensemble – which appeared to be missing a key accessory.

The 28-year-old model recently visited the Louvre museum While in Paris, France, she apparently avoided the crowds with a special late-night entry. In photos posted during the outing, Jenner admired the artwork while wearing a black top and matching black skirt. She did, however, raise eyebrows by walking barefoot.

“The Louvre at midnight,” she captioned the post, which included photos of herself in front of Paolo Veronese’s Renaissance painting “The Wedding at Cana” and Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic “Mona Lisa.”

“I’m really confused by the bare feet in the Louvre,” wrote one user. Another added: “Bare feet in the Louvre? I don’t think so.”

Jenner did not say whether her visit was personal or if she was there on business, perhaps for a photo or video shoot.

During her stay in the City of Lights, Jenner walked – and rode horses with her friend Gigi Hadid — for the Vogue World: Paris to show.

Kendall Jenner walks the runway during Vogue World: Paris at Place Vendôme on June 23, 2024 in Paris, France.Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Vogue
Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner ride horses on the runway during Vogue World: Paris at Place Vendôme on June 23, 2024 in Paris, France.Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images for Vogue

She shared a collection of behind-the-scenes highlights on Instagram with the caption, “How lucky we are,” tagging VogueHermès and Hadid.

“So lucky,” Hadid replied.

During her free time in Paris, Jenner was photography go out to dinner with Bad bunny as the two appear to rekindle their romance. He also performed at Vogue World: Paris fashion show which took place as part of Paris Fashion Week.

“Kendall and Bad Bunny are totally back together and it was only a matter of time before they rekindled their relationship,” a source told ET earlier this month. “They just needed some space to be able to hang out.”

“Kendall really likes him, she likes being able to be herself around him and thinks he's cool and down to earth,” the source added. “She is a fan of his music and likes to go to his concerts when she can to support him.”

The feeling is mutual, according to the source, who said Bad Bunny “likes Kendall for who she really is” and “really cares about Kendall and they laugh and have fun together and get along great.”




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