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Nicole Kidman and her twin daughter Sunday Rose in chic black ensembles at Paris Fashion Week

Nicole Kidman and her twin daughter Sunday Rose in chic black ensembles at Paris Fashion Week


Nicole Kidman and her lookalike daughter Sunday Rose stepped out in style wearing color-coordinated black ensembles at Paris Fashion Week.

The 57-year-old actress and Sunday Rose, 15, twinned in chic monochrome looks at Balenciaga's 53rd Couture collection show on Wednesday.

Kidman looked stunning in a shimmering black maxi dress by Balenciaga, featuring short sleeves, a high neckline and a figure-hugging silhouette.

pink sunday/sunday with nicole kidman/nicole kidman

Nicole Kidman and her daughter Sunday Rose twinning during Paris Fashion Week. (Getty)

The “Big Little Lies” star's long blonde hair was worn down in a sleek, straight style, and she accessorized it with rectangular black sunglasses.


Sunday Rose opted for a black velvet long-sleeve bodycon Balenciaga mini dress with exaggerated shoulders and a high neck.

The teenager wore black stockings and black patent leather pointed-toe pumps and carried a black clutch.

Sunday Rose and mother Nicole Kidman exit their SUV at the fashion show

The actress and her daughter in chic black ensembles with coordinated colors. (Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images for Balenciaga)

Nicole Kidman led to fashion show

Kidman wore a shimmering maxi dress by Balenciaga. (Vanni Bassetti/Getty Images for Balenciaga)

Sunday Rose Walk

Sunday Rose opted for a black velvet long-sleeved mini dress. (Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images for Balenciaga)

Like her mother, Sunday Rose shielded her eyes with large black sunglasses and wore her blonde locks down and straight.

The two arrived at the event together in a black SUV and were surrounded by a swarm of photographers and fans. The actress and Sunday Rose posed for photos with the beaming Oscar winner as she waved and blew kisses to the crowd before heading into the venue.

Kidman and Sunday Rose weren't the only mother-daughter duo at the high-fashion ceremony. In the front row, they were accompanied by Naomi Watts and her daughter Kai Schreiber as well as Maya Rudolph and her daughter Minnie Anderson.

Nicole Kidman smiling at a fashion show

Kidman accessorized with black sunglasses. (Neil Mockford/GC Images)

Nicole Kidman with her hand raised next to the Sunday rose

The “Big Little Lies” star blew kisses to the crowd outside the venue. (Stéphane Cardinale/Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)

Sunday Rose adjusts her glasses at a fashion show

Sunday Rose also wore sunglasses during their outing. (Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images for Balenciaga)

Other attendees included Katy Perry, Lisa Rinna, Selma Blair, Charli XCX, Joey King, Teyana Taylor and Ashley Graham. Perry, who wore a daring ensemble consisting of an oversized fur coat and ripped tights, later shared a photo of herself laughing with Kidman at the show.

“As you can see, @nicolekidman loved my rendition of her iconic intro from the AMC movie,” the former “American Idol” judge wrote in the caption, referencing Kidman's commercial for AMC theaters.


Kidman shares Sunday and daughter Faith Margaret, 13, with husband Keith Urban, 56, whom she married in 2006. The actress is also mother to daughter Isabella, 31, and son Connor, 29, whom she adopted during her marriage to ex-husband Tom Cruise, 61. Kidman married the “Top Gun” star in 1990, and the two split in 2001.

Nicole Kidman walking at fashion show

Kidman and Sunday Rose both wore their long blonde hair down in a sleek, straight style. (Neil Mockford/GC Images)

Sunday Rose, full length photo, outside the fashion show

Sunday Rose is Urban and Kidman's eldest daughter. (Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images for Balenciaga)

In April, Kidman and Urban's daughters made their first red carpet appearance with their parents.


Kidman was honored at the 49th AFI Life Achievement Award Gala, where she was joined by Urban, Sunday Rose, Faith Margaret and Kidman's niece, Sybella Hawley.

Kidman spoke with People about having her daughters with her for support, and she first joked, “You'll have to ask them.

Nicole Kidman with her family on the red carpet

Sunday Rose and her sister Faith Margaret made their red carpet debut with their parents in April. (Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic)

“I think they just want to get on with their own careers. They're there to support me, and they're incredibly supportive and incredibly loving.”


In her acceptance speech, Kidman thanked Urban and their daughters, calling them the “loves of my life.”

“And then, right there, is the love of my life, and the loves of my life. My daughters have never been in public with me on a red carpet. Tonight was their first night, so here they are, Sunday and Faith,” she said, according to People.

Elizabeth Stanton of Fox News Digital contributed to this report.




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