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The Anrabess long dress is on sale on Amazon

The Anrabess long dress is on sale on Amazon


There is certainly no shortage of gorgeous maxi dresses. Find one that is flattering and stylish And affordable? Not as easy as you might think. That’s why we were so excited to discover this dress that Amazon shoppers can’t stop raving about, which just so happens to be marked down to $30 as part of Amazon’s big 4th of July sale. Wear it to BBQs, beach parties, vacations, and more!


You'll definitely want one or two (or three) of these easy-to-wear dresses in your wardrobe this summer.

$30 on Amazon

Why is this a good deal?

The dress is marked down to $30 before the big day, which is 30% off! That, combined with the myriad of places you can wear it, makes it a great deal. Throw it on for a day at the beach, lounge on a chair by the pool, or layer it with a jacket for an evening cocktail. The options are endless.

Want to see more of the best 4th of July sales before next week? We've compiled a list of the best deals you can score right now.

Why do I need this?

The dress is a blend of polyester, cotton, and spandex, so it's breathable, lightweight, and a little stretchy. It's cut to hang beautifully, it doesn't stick, but you don't swim in it either. The side slits allow you to show off some leg and give you the option to tie the hem for a different look. Pockets? Of course ! How can you not love it?

You can also wear it to work with a blazer or jacket and boots. THE Anrabess long dress has taken Amazon by storm, and how could it not be otherwise? Just look at that drape and swing. It's graceful and slimming and covers the right parts while revealing just enough.

The range of options is mind-blowing. You can get this sleeveless style (in 38 colors) or try a short sleeve option in 25 colors and prints. Both varieties are very versatile. Belt it at the waist and throw on a pair of sandals. Throw on a cardigan or denim jacket and pair it with trendy sneakers. It would even make a great cover-up on beach days.

model wearing a blue, black and purple patterned maxi dress.model wearing a long dress with a blue, black and purple pattern.

The affordable way to take your summer style to the max. (Amazon).

What the critics say

The dress has a serious five-star fan club, with a particularly vocal base of curvy and petite customers.


“I bought this dress in my usual size.” shared a five-star reviewer. “It's a looser fit, nice and flowy, which is what I was hoping for. I would recommend sizing down if you want something more fitted.”

Another impressed customer shared: “Perfect for a trip down south. Thrown it on for breakfast, easy on and off. Dress it up with a jacket, heels, hat and bag. Bought a blue one and an olive green one. … Washed well too; didn't fade or curl!!”

Shoppers also appreciated its multi-season versatility. “I’ve already bought two more in different colors, and I’m not done yet!” a fan went crazy. “The fabric is wonderful and so light. Perfect dress for summer and early fall.”

I'm a curvy girl and I didn't expect this to be flattering, said another satisfied customer. “I was wrong. It fits my curves perfectly and is very comfortable. Plus, as a bonus, it has pockets!”

The inconvenients

One thing to note: While most shoppers shared how stylish the belted dress was, some pointed out that it might be a little difficult to pull off. “This dress is the best!” shared one shopper. “My only wish is that the slits weren't too high on the sides so I could wear a belt with it, but I love it! So comfortable and casual.”


Does that red firework scream “4th of July” or what? Ready to light up the night?

$30 at Amazon

If you have Amazon Prime, you will of course benefit from free delivery. Not a member yet? No problem. You can sign up for your 30-day free trial here. (And besides, those who don't have one Prime (always get free shipping on orders of $25 or more.)

The reviews cited above reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.

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