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Queen Camilla's First Wedding Dress: Ceremony Details and More

Queen Camilla's First Wedding Dress: Ceremony Details and More


Long before she became a senior member of the British royal family, Queen Camilla was married to Andrew Parker Bowles. Then-married Camilla Shand married the British army officer on July 4, 1973, more than three decades before she married the now King Charles III.

Camilla and Andrew Parker Bowles' wedding was attended by around 800 guests, including members of the royal family, including the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret. Andrew Parker Bowles and Camilla Shand both had ties to the royal family.

July 4, 1973: Camilla Shand arrives at the Guard Chapel for her wedding to Andrew Parker-Bowles, on the arm of her father, Major Bruce Shand.  (Photo by Frank Barratt/Keystone/Getty Images)

Camilla Shand arrives at the Guards Chapel for her wedding to Andrew Parker-Bowles, on the arm of her father, Major Bruce Shand, on 4 July 1973.

Frank Barratt/Keystone/Getty Images

The wedding dress

Camilla's first wedding dress featured several fashion trends from the early '70s. The white dress included a ruffled, bias-cut neckline that mimicked the hemline of the floor-length dress. Camilla's dress also included large short balloon sleeves – a practical choice for the summer heat.

July 4, 1973: Wedding of Andrew Parker-Bowles and Camilla Shand at the Guard's Chapel in London, attended by members of the Horseguards. (Photo by Frank Barratt/Keystone/Getty Images)

The wedding of Andrew Parker-Bowles and Camilla Shand at the Guards Chapel, London, in the presence of members of the Horseguards, July 4, 1973.

Frank Barratt/Keystone/Getty Images

The sleeves were made of voile, which created a semi-sheer, ruffled effect, as did the neckline and hem of the dress. Camilla wore a long, dramatic veil that flowed behind her dress. Above her veil, Camilla wore the Cubitt Tiara, a piece that had been in the future Queen Consort's family for generations.

After marriage

ASCOT, ENGLAND - JUNE 21: Andrew Parker Bowles, The Rt. Hon. The Lord Soames of Fletching and Queen Camilla attend day two of Royal Ascot 2023 at Ascot Racecourse on June 21, 2023 in Ascot, England. (Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Andrew Parker Bowles, The Rt. Hon. The Lord Soames of Fletching and Queen Camilla attend day two of Royal Ascot 2023 at Ascot Racecourse on June 21, 2023, in Ascot, England.

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Camilla and Andrew Parker Bowles were married until 1995. The former couple share two children: son Tom, born in 1974, and daughter Laura, born in 1978. Parker Bowles and Camilla are still friends and often chat on social occasions. royal events. like Royal Ascot in 2023.

Marriage with King Charles III

Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles Marry at Guildhall Civil Cer LONDON - APRIL 09: His Royal Highness Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, and his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, leave the civil ceremony where they were legally married, at Guildhall, Windsor, on April 9, 2005 in Berkshire, England. (Photo by Georges De Keerle/Getty Images)

Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, and his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, leave the civil ceremony in which they were legally married, at the Guildhall in Windsor, on April 9, 2005, in Berkshire, England.

Georges De Keerle/Getty Images

In April 2005, the future queen consort married Prince Charles in a civil ceremony, followed by a religious service. For the civil ceremony, Camilla wore a chiffon dress with a coordinating coat, which included woven disc appliqués on the hem and neckline of the ensemble. She also wore a wide-brimmed Philip Treacy hat with feather detailing.

WINDSOR, ENGLAND - APRIL 9: (NO UK SALES FOR 28 DAYS) TRH Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and his wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, leave the service of prayer and dedication after their wedding at the Guildhall, Windsor Castle on April 9, 2005 in Berkshire, England. (Photo by ROTA-Pool/Getty Images)

Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and his wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, leave the service of prayer and dedication after their wedding at the Guildhall, Windsor Castle, on April 9, 2005 in Berkshire, England.

ROTA-Pool/Getty Images

For the church service, the Queen Consort, then Duchess of Cornwall, wore a long pale blue and gold embroidered coat over a matching chiffon dress. Unlike a tiara, she fashioned a wave of golden feathers into her hair. Both looks were designed by Antonia Robinson and Anna Valentine, the latter of whom is one of Camilla's go-to designers.

King Charles ascended the throne in 2022, following the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, in September of that year. The coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla took place in May 2023. The couple have been married for 19 years.




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