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Men's Fashion Week S/S 2025: the best ensembles from the show

Men's Fashion Week S/S 2025: the best ensembles from the show


As the dust settles on Men’s Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2025 – which wrapped in Paris last week after previous stops in London, Florence and Milan – we revisit the season’s breathtaking shows, which combined the surreal, the transportive and the serene.

From a “fairytale ravescape” at Prada to the enormous cats that populated the catwalk at Dior Men – a collaboration with South African ceramicist Hylton Nel – we’ve selected the best SS25 sets and show spaces that served as the backdrop for the month’s key collections.

Men's Fashion Week S/S 2025: the best outfits from the show

Dior Homme giant cats, inspired by the work of ceramist Hylton Nel

Dior Men S/S 2025 by Kim Jones Show Set with Cats

(Image credit: Photography by Adrien Dirand, courtesy of Dior)

For Kim Jones' S/S 2025 collection for Dior Men, the works of South African ceramic artist Hylton Nel were inspired. “He’s an old friend of mine, I’ve known him for maybe 12 years,” Jones told Wallpaper*. “I love his work and I wanted to take the idea of ​​working with an artist and exploit it in the Dior archives. » While Nel's naïve motifs were present throughout the collection, a series of his cat sculptures were enlarged by Jones to populate the Val-de-Grâce exhibition space, celebrating what the British designer described like Nel’s “artisanal monumentalism”.

Prada’s “Fairytale Ravescape” at Fondazione Prada’s Deposito

Prada spring-summer 2025 men's fashion show ensemble

(Image credit: Courtesy of Prada)

Upon arrival at Fondazione Prada's Deposito space – where Prada's shows take place each season – guests were transported to what the house described as a “fairytale rave landscape” complete with a white booth, the door ajar, from which techno music resonated. As the show began, models emerged from the structure and walked down the catwalk, wearing a collection that co-creative directors Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons described as “capturing a spirit of freedom, optimism and energy of the youth “. “We wanted to create clothes that have lived a life, that are alive in themselves,” they explained. “There is a sense of spontaneity and optimism in these clothes – they reflect instinctive but deliberate choices, freedom.”

The Zegna linen field in Milan

Zegna spring-summer 2025 fashion show with linen “field” pattern

(Image credit: Courtesy of Zegna)

This season, Zegna recreated a field of linen in a vast warehouse on the outskirts of Milan, a short drive from Linate Airport. Also serving as the backdrop for the house’s SS25 show, each strand of “linen” was created from lightweight metal strips that moved gently with the models’ steps. Creative director Alessandro Sartori – whose summer collection used the fabric in a multitude of iterations and weights – said he wanted to evoke the feeling of nature invading an industrial space. “Linen is a wonderful material,” Sartori said. “Not only is it used to create clothes, it’s also used to create clothes.” [is it] traceable and true to our commitment to sustainability, but it's also as malleable and sensual as the idea of ​​summer clothing we inspire.

A celebration of “artistic freedom” and independence at Loewe

Loewe men's spring-summer 2025 fashion show ensemble

(Image credit: Courtesy of Loewe)

Loewe's pristine white exhibition space, held at the Garde Republicane in Paris, doubled as an art gallery. There were works by Paul Thek (a collection of miniature metal mice), Carlo Scarpa (a 1990s easel), Peter Hujar (a photograph of a single high-heeled shoe) and Charles Rennie Mackintosh (a chair and a coat rack, the latter draped with a red boa). Meanwhile, a vintage copy of Susan Sontag's book Against interpretation The works are displayed on the ground. Described by the house as “an exercise in curatorial subjectivity and narrative association,” each artist was chosen for their “fierce commitment to independence and artistic freedom.” “I like that these people are singular in terms of their vision,” said artistic director Jonathan Anderson.

Gucci celebrates design at the Milan Triennale

Gucci P/E 2025 men’s collection presentation area

(Image credit: Courtesy of Gucci)

This season, Gucci creative director Sabato de Sarno chose the atrium of Milan's Triennale museum – the city's temple of design – to host his second menswear show for the Italian house. While the Giovanni Muzio-designed space remained unchanged for the exhibition, “a testament to our deep appreciation for its intrinsic essence,” a series of specially constructed green lacquered stools lined the museum’s corridors. They were dedicated to the architect Gae Aulenti, the subject of an exhibition within the institution which runs until January 2025.

Homme Plissé Issey Miyake's windswept dandelions

Issey Miyake Men's Plisse Show S/S 2025

(Photo credit: Courtesy of Issey Miyake)

Homme Plissé Issey Miyake's latest collection was titled “Up, Up, and Away”, his light and airy clothes inspired by the wind: “the phenomena caused by the wind, the crafts and designs that react to the wind, and the shapes that embody the wind,” describes the Japanese brand. The exhibition space, built in the courtyard of the Mobilier National in Paris, reflected the mood of the collection, seeing dandelion-like structures by Vincent de Belleval gently quivering in the breeze.

A silver podium for Dries Van Noten's final show

Dries Van Noten Silver Runway Set

(Image credit: Photography by Zoe Joubert, courtesy of Dries Van Noten)

Dries Van Noten flew guests to Saint-Denis, in the northern suburbs of Paris, for his final show as artistic director of his eponymous brand (the Belgian designer announced earlier this year that he was stepping down from the label after 38 years). In a vast warehouse transformed for the event, attended by well-wishers such as designers Pierpaolo Piccioli, Ann Demeulemeester and Stephen Jones, a silver-leaf podium ran the length of the space. As the brand's past and present models paraded past, shards of silver foil floated in the air, reflecting the S/S 2025 collection's celebration of the ephemeral and fleeting.

Louis Vuitton takes over UNESCO to celebrate 'global unity'

Louis Vuitton Men's Spring/Summer 2025 Fashion Show Set

(Image credit: Courtesy of Louis Vuitton)

The roof of the Maison de l'Unesco in Paris has been temporarily transformed into an exhibition space for Pharrell Williams' latest Louis Vuitton men's ready-to-wear collection. While the grass-covered catwalk was decorated with tiles reminiscent of the house's Damier pattern – which has become a hallmark of Williams' collections thus far – the show centered on Erik Reitzel's “Symbolic Globe”, which represents the world as a vast interconnected spherical grid. It was part of Williams' plea for global unity with a collection designed to celebrate connection and community. “By activating the travel gene that opens the mind of the home, the collection illustrates the degrees of similarities that unite us across the world,” Williams said in the collection notes.




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