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Jennifer Garner Wore a Floral Midi Dress and Similar Styles Starting at $25

Jennifer Garner Wore a Floral Midi Dress and Similar Styles Starting at $25


Jennifer Garner's summer style is flourishing.

The actress appeared on the Today show in New York last week in a floral midi dress It's both soft and sophisticated. It has a light blue background accented by an orange floral brocade for a fresh and vibrant look. Garners' fitted dress features a square neckline, wide straps, and a subtly flared skirt that falls just below the knee.

Images from MediaPunch/Bauer-Griffin/GC

Floral midi dresses are a summer wardrobe staple, thanks to their breathable silhouette and colorful print. You can dress them up for nights out with shiny patent leather pumps, like Garner did, or add strappy ballet flats and a crochet bag for daytime events. Plus, Garner isn't the only celebrity to wear a floral midi dress lately: Blake Lively and Jennifer Aniston have also stepped out in pretty florals.

If you love the Garners floral midi dress and want to recreate the look this summer, you're in luck. We have sifted Amazon fashion section and found 10 similar midi dresses, starting at just $25.

Floral midi dresses inspired by Jennifer Garner

Sureple Sweetheart Neck A-Line Dress


With a gorgeous floral print, adjustable spaghetti straps and handy side pockets, this fit and flare dress is a lovely option for summer date nights. A buyerwho received the dress for free, said it was simply adorable, adding that the ruched sweetheart neckline was very romantic.

Mansy floral skater dress


A slightly shorter and flowier option than Garners' dress, this gown features a babydoll silhouette with knotted spaghetti straps and a ruffled skirt. In addition to the blue and orange floral pattern, it's available in 13 other colors, including yellow and purple And bright redlarge sizes SXL.

Grace Karin floral long dress


A sweetheart neckline, smocked bodice and calf-length ruffled skirt make this dress flattering. Pair it with white sneakers for a weekend brunch, or dress it down with strappy heels for a night out with friends.

Prettygarden Puff Sleeve Mermaid Cocktail Dress


This off-the-shoulder dress is a slightly dressier version of Garners, thanks to the puff sleeves, ruched elastic body and ruffle hem. He has accumulated nearly 2,000 perfect scores, with a buyer calling it a head-turning dress, adding that it is very lightweight and ideal for summer.

The Drop Kimi Drop Shoulder Ruffle Ruched Midi Dress


Although this midi dress is white instead of blue, the vibrant orange floral pattern is reminiscent of the one seen on Garners' iteration. It's accented with ruffled straps, a square neckline, a smocked bodice, and a tiered hem that hits just below the knee for most people.

Blencot square-neck slit midi dress


Bow details and a thigh-high slit give this square-neck midi dress a touch of sultry style. It comes in 10 colorful floral prints, including white and blue, orange and pinkAnd YELLOWas well as SXL sizes.

Adrianna Papell Floral Quilted Dress


An intricate jacquard floral fabric makes this fitted dress look much more expensive than its 40% off price tag. It features a square neckline, wide straps, and a subtle side slit.

Midi floral tank dress II Inin


For a dress that pairs equally well with flats, sneakers or heels, try this floral midi dress. The fit is perfect and it's so comfortable, delighted a criticwho added: “I get compliments from strangers every time I wear it.

Nerlerolian Buttoned Dress with Pockets


This flowy midi dress is perfect for a multitude of summer events, from outdoor concerts to barbecues to informal weddings. It features a half-buttoned front, V-neckline and short floaty sleeves, and is finished with a deep side slit for effortless movement on any dance floor.

Belle Époque floral trapeze dress


Scattered daisies and a ruffled neckline are pretty touches on this fit-and-flare midi dress. It's made from soft, stretchy cotton jersey, and is finished with ruffled straps and a crossover front slit.




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