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Mariners' survival continues with big win over Spirit FC

Mariners' survival continues with big win over Spirit FC


Central Coast Mariners moved closer to avoiding relegation in the NPL NSW Mens competition, securing a crucial 3-0 victory over NWS Spirit on matchday 22 at Pluim Park.

The hosts took full advantage of a red card for Spirits player Kyle Shaw on the half-hour mark, scoring three second-half goals in spectacular fashion.

Both teams almost opened the score in the first 10 minutes. Sasha Kuzevski sent his shot across the face of goal, before Spirits Ollie Wiggins twisted his attempt past the Mariners backline, skimming the right post.

Drama erupted at the half-hour mark, with David Perkovic playing the remaining hour with a man less.

Referee Sam Kelly had no problem showing defender Kyle Shaw a straight red card after he felt the foul had denied the defender an open goalscoring chance.

On the ensuing penalty kick, Nicholas Duarte headed the ball toward goal, forcing goalkeeper Christopher Marques to make a save on his line.

Central Coast looked the most likely to take the lead at half-time with some dazzling interplay but found themselves stuck at the final hurdle to keep the tie 0-0 at half-time.

The floodgates opened on time, and the Mariners' cute interaction finally paid off.

Jordan Small sent Harry Menham on his bike across the field, with the left-back laying the ball off for Nicholas Duarte to cut home, before earning a well-deserved rest for his efforts.

Doing well to create space around him, Bailey Brandtman took advantage of a defensive error, only to be stopped short of a magnificent goal by the chest of Marques.

Spirits' Jayden Tran almost had a perfect start to the night, with his header just over the bar from a free kick in the 73rd minute.rd minute.

With the Mariners left side in shooting position, it was only a matter of time before they scored the next goal.

Taye Hedley was released on the touchline before Menham crossed in goal, with Donatien Niyonkurus' strike bouncing off the knee of Arthur De Lima and into the goal.

Some talent from Brandtman helped Central Coast win their third and final title in minute.

The striker lured several defenders into the corner, before escaping pressure and forcing his way past Menham to score, securing a 3-0 home victory.

Returning to the starting line-up after a gruelling recovery from an ACL injury, Mariner Sasha Kuzevski expressed his gratitude for the club's support in getting him back on the pitch, a guiding figure for his young side in tonight's victory.

“It’s been a long journey for me, with ups and downs, but I’m very lucky and grateful to the club for helping me come back and lead this team,” Kuzevski said.

It's a young group, there's a lot of talent in these kids and I think a little guidance and leadership will bring more results like tonight.

These boys deserve to stay in the league. Sure, they're young and inexperienced at this level, but the quality is there, and with a huge game on Wednesday, it's another opportunity to show just how talented this young group is.

Match statistics

Central Coast Mariners 3 (Duarte 60, De Lima 78, Menham 86)

NWS Spirit FC 0

Saturday 29thth June 2024

Plume Park, Lisarow

Referee: Sam Kelly

Assistant referees: Alessandro Llana and Owen Medcalf

Fourth referee: Jackson Mackie

Central Coast Sailors: 40. Dylan Peraic-Cullen (GK), 3. Cher Deng, 4. Parker Williams, 5. Harry Menham, 6. Jordan Small, 9. Nicholas Duarte (37. Bailey Brandtman 60), 11. Donatien Niyonkuru (17. Jai Rose 79), 12. Taye Hedley, 16. Prayaag Thapa (8. Lucas Scicluna 45), 27. Sasha Kuzevski (C) (2. Michael Paragalli, 79), 33. Arthur De Lima (14. Jacob Tresoglavic 90+3 )

Unused Subs: 30. Daniel Vickers,

Yellow cards: 37. Bailey Brandtman 73

Red cards:

FC NWS Spirit: 1. Christopher Marques (GK), 3. Kyle Shaw, 4. Jarred Mckinley (6. Corey Kavanagh 72), 7. Richard Darko (21. Jayden Tran 72), 11. Ollie Wiggin (34. Noah Peacock 83), 13. Simon Nicholas, 17. Jacob Chidiac (29. Kyle Bennett, 83), 18. Zachary Cianci (36. Kyah Williams 36), 19. Jesse Michel, 20. Jared Lum (C), 22. Yannis Frerck

Unused subs: 31. Joel Wade

Yellow cards: 4. Jarred McKinley 17

Red cards: 3. Kyle Shaw 30

Player Notes:

3: Sacha Kuzevski (CCM)

2: Arthur De Lima (CCM)

1: Harry Menham (CCM)

By Mitchell Roese (@mitchroese on Instagram)




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