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Christopher Esber is the winner of the ANDAM Fashion Award 2024

Christopher Esber is the winner of the ANDAM Fashion Award 2024


Australian designer takes first prize, with additional honors for 3.Paradis and Pice Uniques

Christopher Esber has been named the overall winner of the ANDAM Fashion Award 2024. The Sydney-based designer’s win marks the 35th anniversary of the prestigious award, with Esber recognised for his minimalist summer styles favoured by celebrities including Zendaya and Dua Lipa.

France continues to attract talent from around the world thanks to its dynamism, creativity and exceptional know-how. I would like to congratulate the five winners of this edition, chosen by a jury made up of creatives and professionals. The ANDAM Fashion Awards once again demonstrate that fashion is not just an industry, but an art. I would like to thank ANDAM, which has provided invaluable support and visibility to the talents of tomorrow for 35 years.

– Rachida Dati, French Minister of Culture

Esber received a prize of 300,000 euros and was supported by the president of the jury, Anthony Vaccarello, artistic director of Saint Laurent. Esber's victory comes less than a year after his debut at Paris Fashion Week.

ANDAM has once again demonstrated its ability to unite all the vital forces of fashion and culture around its creative and industrial project. The talents who have been turning to us for several decades prove the resonance of our collective action with all partners and patrons, both public and private. ANDAM is a force for change and stability in a world that often needs it. The trust shown in us by Anthony Vaccarello, winner of the ANDAM Grand Prix in 2011 and now President of the Jury, is the ultimate guarantor of what we are creating: an ecosystem capable of regenerating itself.

– Guillaume Houz, President of Andams

Other finalists for the award were Meryll Rogge, Marie Adam-Leenaerdt, Ruohan and Charles Jeffrey Loverboy.

The Special Prize and its €100,000 grant went to 3.Paradis, a gender-neutral brand founded by French designer Emeric Tchatchoua based in Canada. The Pierre Berg Prize went to Pice Uniques, a Parisian brand founded by Edmond Luu. Other awards included the Accessories Prize for Maeden and the Innovation Prize for Alternative Innovation.

Ros, a guest judge from Blackpink, expressed her excitement, saying, “As a designer, I am excited to hear the stories and see the innovative visions. I look forward to the remarkable contributions these designers will make to the fashion industry.”

ANDAM, created in 1989, has served as a launching pad for designers achieving international recognition. The association is supported by leading sponsors such as Balenciaga, Chanel, Hermès and LVMH Mot Hennessy Louis Vuitton.




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