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Here's how soccer star Tyrod Taylor attended Paris Men's Fashion Week in style

Here's how soccer star Tyrod Taylor attended Paris Men's Fashion Week in style


Considered one of the NFL's best and most consistent style stars, it's no surprise that the footballer Tyrod Taylor I found myself sitting front row at recent Paris Men's Fashion Week shows.

With his appearance in the Netflix series Quarterbacks and its philanthropic initiatives through the Tyrod Taylor Foundationthe athletes’ schedules are certainly hectic, but in the name of fashion, there’s always a way to get to the fashion capital during the offseason to put on a style show. For Taylor, the beloved starting quarterback (who recently signed with the New York Jets for the upcoming NFL season) and Super Bowl champion was ready to land in Paris to show up and show off more, solidifying the presence of sports stars destined to become fashion forces in their own right. After the fashion frenzy, VMAN I caught up with Taylor for a quick recap of his experience during the week, some of his favorite trends, and how he feels about seeing athletes take their place on the global fashion stage.

Tyrod Taylor and Stefon Diggs at the AWGE show during Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2025 held at Hôtel de Maisons on June 21, 2024 in Paris, France. (Photo by Swan Gallet/WWD via Getty Images)

VMAN: How was your experience during Paris Fashion Week?

Tyrod Taylor: Technically, this is my vacation time between football seasons, and I chose to spend it here because Paris Fashion Week inspires me. I was at PFW last year to launch my own luxury clothing line, DIALLO which kept me super busy, so this season I was able to spend more time supporting the brands I love and getting inspired by their creativity. A highlight for me was [experiencing] My first Louis Vuitton show with Pharrell Williams as creative director. It had special meaning for me as we both grew up in the same part of Virginia and I have followed his creative career trajectory for years. I was impressed by how meticulously he crafted his unique message of unity, both in the clothing of the collection and in the presentation. A true artist of our time. I am taking notes and learning for my own brand.

VMAN: What are some of your favorite trends that you've seen both on the runways and on the streets?

TT: What I love about PFW is that there is such a mix of men's styles from all over the world and I'm a fan of it all. From Bianca Saunders to Louis Vuitton to Kenzo to Amiri, it's world-class menswear. I attended ASAP Rocky's surprise “American Sabotage” collection show for AWGE. I found it interesting how he used fashion as a vehicle for social commentary, but also how the collection encapsulates a trend in the way we see kids dressing in American cities.create their own clothes and their own style by mixing fabrics and creating their own pieces. That said, I still love dressing in Bottega [Veneta] costume. All of this season's clothes seemed very wearable, so much so [that] I had to buy two new Rimowa suitcases to take everything home.

VMAN: What do you think about seeing more and more athletes taking up space in the fashion scene?

TT: Athletes have always been present in the fashion industry, but they are not as visible. I think you see more athletes now because the fashion industry recognizes the athlete opportunity as a powerful way to reach their customers. And it makes sense as athletes embody a similar strength and power that fashion is meant to instill. If fashion is a reflection of our identity, then clothing is your personal uniform of self-expression. It doesn't hurt that athletes are in top physical shape, which is why we wear our clothes well. In addition, many athletes are VIC's main customers, so luxury brands are taking notice.

VMAN: Why do you think the worlds of fashion and sport merge so well?

TT: Sure, there are natural showmanship moments for fashion, like the tunnel walk or the cutouts for fans and VIPs at the match, all dressed to support their teams or players, but that's not as the beginning of many similarities. Each sport has its own style, culture and fan base, so I guess it's compelling for fashion. There is also competition in sports and fashion as each brand stands out while being in an overall very competitive industry. There is also the physicality and performance of real-time fashion that it shares with sport. I think some of the shows I went to this week were as big as a Super Bowl game.

Below, check out Tyrod's full Paris Fashion Week Men's diary, where he details each of his looks before hitting the shows.

Photography Mélanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes FENDI

Stroll through the Tuileries Gardens outside Le Meurice, the best in Paris.

Photography Melanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes BOTTEGA VENETA

Whether there is traffic or not, we always have the photo.

Photography Melanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes BOTTEGA VÉNETA

Meeting with my friend and fellow creator, Jean-Claude Mpassy, ​​at the Amiri salon at the Jardin des Plantes

Photography Mélanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes and shoes BOTTEGA VÉNETA

After Amiri's show, we wait for the crowd to disperse.

Photography Melanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes and shoes BOTTEGA VÉNETA

Bottega Veneta from head to toe, styled by me.

Photography Melanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes and shoes BOTTEGA VÉNETA

Nothing better than the Meurice beds.

Photography Melanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes MAISON MARGIELA, BURBERRY, SPENCER BADU / Shoes BODE

Arriving at A$AP Rocky's “American Sabotage” show for AWGE.

Photography Mélanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes MAISON MARGIELA, BURBERRY, SPENCER BADU / Shoes BODE

“I went to Pharells dinner for Joopiter x Jackson Wang after the A$AP Rocky show.

Photography Mélanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes MAISON MARGIELA, BURBERRY, SPENCER BADU

Never know who you're going to see in the front row. I ran into my buddy Stefon Diggs at the A$AP Rocky AWGE fashion show.

Photography Mélanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes MARGIELA HOUSE, BURBERRY, SPENCER BADU

Take in the A$AP ROCKY fashion show scene.

Photography Melanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes LOUIS VUITTON

My favorite white t-shirt mixed with LV.

Photography Melanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes LOUIS VUITTON

Get ready for the Louis Vuitton Mens S/S 25.

Photography Melanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes and shoes LOUIS VUITTON

I feel very Louis Vuitton. I have self-proclaimed myself in Paris.

Photography Melanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes LOUIS VUITTON

Virginia is LVers.

Photography Mélanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes LOUIS VUITTON

Arriving in front of a sea of ​​photographers at the Louis Vuitton Men's show.

Photography Mélanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes BOTTEGA VENETA / Shoes PRADA

Shopping day in Paris dressed in Bottega and Prada.

Photography Mélanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes BIANCA SAUNDERS / Shoes PRADA

Meet Dex Robinson, creative director of my fashion line, DIALLO, at Bianca Saunders.

Photography Mélanie Buob | Tyrod wears all the clothes BIANCA SAUNDERS / Shoes PRADA

One of my favorite looks of the week.

Photography Mélanie Buob | Tyrod wears pants BIANCA SAUNDERS / Shoes PRADA

Arriving at the Bianca Saunders show with Bianca Saunders and my favorite Prada shoes.




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