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Shop the best wrap dresses

Shop the best wrap dresses


While there’s no denying the impact of many designers on fashion, a few have created styles and designs that are now synonymous with the houses themselves. Case in point, Louis Vuitton’s trunks and luggage. Then there’s Burberry’s gabardine trench coat and Chanel’s iconic tweed blazers. And of course, there’s the wrap dress that Diane von Furstenberg made so famous.

Diane von Furstenberg Julian silk-jersey wrap dress

Julian silk jersey wrap dress

Diane von Furstenberg: Woman in chargea new documentary highlighting the Belgian designer's meteoric rise in the '70s, arrived on Hulu earlier this month and very aptly opens with an archival clip of the former Late at night host David Letterman introduces her as the woman who reinvented the dress and “one of America's most successful businesswomen.”

The story goes that DVF was in the right place at the right time. In 1968, she landed a job at Angelo Ferretti's printing shop (Ferretti was then creating scarves for Gucci, Ferragamo and Valentino) in Como, Italy, where she discovered a stretch jersey fabric. During her internship, she decided to make samples of patterned wrap tops, inspired by the mini sweaters ballerina dancers wore, with matching skirts.

Diane von Furstenberg, spring 1973, back to work, New York

Fairchild Archives//Getty Images

DVF first presented the piece during a Spring/Summer Ready-to-Wear show in 1973.

Soon after, when she moved to New York with her new husband, Prince Egon von Furstenberg, DVF was lucky enough to land an appointment with fashion editor Diana Vreeland. She presented him with the first collection of prototypes and in 1972, DVF created his eponymous brand.

It wasn't until 1974 that she introduced her first wrap dress, inspired by one of her printed matching sets that Julie Nixon Eisenhower wore during a television appearance during the Watergate scandal. The designer officially introduced the wrap style in Women's Everyday Clothing with the slogan “Feel like a woman, wear a dress!”

The wrap dress, originally selling for $80, became an instant hit for its flattering silhouette, stretchy fabrication and feminine style. DVF produced 25,000 per week in its first year and had sold a million by 1976. The iconic garment also appeared on the big screen several times (including on Cybill Shepherd's character in Taxi driver)and still finds fans today in Kate Middleton, Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit Australia and New Zealand day 11

Chris Jackson//Getty Images

The Princess of Wales in a Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress.

Although DVF never intended to become a fashion designer, the wrap dress accidentally became a symbol of a modern, independent woman in the feminist movement of the 1970s. “It would have been incredibly pretentious to go into fashion because I wanted to create a uniform for freedom,” DVF explains in the documentary. “It would have been ridiculous. I don’t think I had a calling for fashion. I had a calling to be a responsible woman. Fashion became a means to that end.”

Julian silk jersey wrap dress

Diane von Furstenberg Julian Silk Jersey Wrap Dress

Abigail Silk Jersey Midi Wrap Dress

Diane von Furstenberg Abigail Silk Jersey Midi Wrap Dress

Jeanne silk jersey wrap dress

Diane von Furstenberg Jeanne silk-jersey wrap dress

Abigail Silk Jersey Midi Wrap Dress

Diane von Furstenberg Abigail Silk Jersey Midi Wrap Dress

Julian silk jersey wrap dress

Diane von Furstenberg Julian silk-jersey wrap dress

Abigail Silk Jersey Midi Wrap Dress

Diane von Furstenberg Abigail Silk Jersey Midi Wrap Dress
Portrait of Sophie Dweck

Sophie Dweck is the deputy buying editor for Town & Country, where she covers beauty, fashion, home & decor, and more.




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